Plenty of little girls dream of marrying the man of our dreams, moving into that house with the white picket fence, and having a bunch of kids. However, this isn’t the reality for a lot of women, who end up as single moms for one reason or another. Some single moms are happy raising their children on their own, but others—understandably—still long for companionship.
One theAsianparent Community user asked the community the age-old question: “How do I find a good man?”

Here’s what the theAsianparent Community community had to say.
Join a community
Because the original poster specified that she doesn’t have a large network of friends, many advised her to join a community and make friends there. “Usually it’s (pesky) friends like me and a few others who’d try to matchmake them with nice guys we know,” Yuna L. wrote. “Since you don’t have a large network of friends yet, perhaps you can start from there—I always find that meeting people through friends are easier because there’s already a ‘built-in filter’.”
On the next page: more tips on finding love for single moms.
Explore new activities
“I guess the best would be to join an activity group,” Chetna J. advised. “And do not limit yourself. If you do not like dancing, do not restrict yourself, and still join. Forms of art that require people to come in groups give you higher chances of meeting more people, and you’ll never know, you might find your man here.”
Photo: Dreamstime
Don’t lower your standards
Here’s something that everyone who’s looking for love should keep in mind: know your worth, and don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve. Take your time, be patient, and stay hopeful.
Be sure to check out theAsianparent Community for more insightful stories, questions, and answers from parents and experts alike. If you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them in our Comment box below.