Singapore is the myopia capital of Asia. 7 in 10 children between the ages of 7 and 9 are affected by it. No wonder, it is on the minds of many parents we’ve talked to! Here is our interview with Dr Drobe, an expert in this field, to help parents tackle myopia effectively.
About our Expert
Dr Björn Drobe has spent years researching about refractive errors of the eye, like myopia. A PhD in Vision Sciences, He joined the French Essilor Int. a research team in 1998, working mainly on the interaction between ophthalmic lenses and the human visual system, as well as on progressive myopia in children. From 2007 to 2013, Dr Drobe relocated to Essilor R&D Singapore for a higher involvement in myopia research.

Since June 2013, he has been the associate director of WEIRC (Wenzhou Medical University – Essilor International Research Center), managing an international research team on myopias in children. The author of over 40 scientific articles, posters and patents, he gives talks in scientific congresses all over the world on a regular basis.
So when it comes to myopia, Dr Drobe is the best candidate to answer all our questions. We had a chat with him, and he explained to us in details about the refractive error. In this video, Dr Drobe explains to us how it affects our children, and why we should be even more vigilant about its early signs
Dr Drobe explains how genetics, as well as the environment, play an important part in causation and progression of this refractive error. Studying indoors and less time outside: it is the story of many Singaporean children.
What causes myopia?
Why is it not a disease?
Is there a cure?
Watch this video to know everything that should be known about it.
As Dr Drobe explains, short-sightedness is not a disease in the sense that it cannot be cured using medicines. It needs to be corrected, and the way to do it is to use proper eyewear. These are the key messages from the video
- Myopia is the most common ocular affection in Asia, affecting 60-80% of children
- Wearing spectacles that are lower in power than required can lead to worsening of the condition
- If you and your partner are myopic, the risk of your child having it increases
- Reading indoors with less outdoor activities increases the risk of the refractive error
- Uncorrected myopia can cause diseases of the eye, and in extreme cases, may cause blindness
- Myopia can have life-long effects on the child, so controlling it earlier is very important
- Using specific spectacle lenses will slow down the progression
Myopilux from Essilor are lenses designed specifically for children with myopia. Here, the upper part helps in the far vision whereas the lower part helps the child for near vision. The combination slowed down myopia in 55% of the children!
What should parents do?
Myopia is a reality, there is no escaping it. And so, the best thing you can do for your child is to prevent/delay its onset as much as possible and then keep the intensity low. Here are three things you should do to control your child’s short-sightedness
#1 Increase outdoor activities
Dr Drobe recommends spending a considerable time outdoors. This will limit the risk of the onset of short-sightedness and/or slow down its progression. After all, we all should take advantage of living in Sunny Singapore!
#2 Use specific lenses to correct myopia
Lenses, like Myopilux are specially designed for children. The combination of near vision and far vision lenses controls myopia better than single vision lenses.
3# Get your child assessed every 6 months for any changes in prescription
Myopia can progress rapidly in school children. So it is important to assess it every six months. Get in touch with eye Specialists from Essilor to get the right prescription for your child.
So mums and dads, don’t wait till it is too late. Read more about how Myopilux helps your child here. Get an appropriate prescription for your child today.