Do celebrities need to keep to a certain weight for professional reasons?
Well, for local TV host Quan Yi Fong, she felt that her daughter Eleanor Lee has to watch her weight because she’s an artiste. In an excerpt of their new reality series Yi Fong and Eleanor’s Kitchen, they had a banter about how much Eleanor was eating.
In the video clip posted on Facebook on Monday (Aug 31), both mother and daughter were preparing their meal when Yi Fong said Eleanor “can’t eat too much”.
The 46-year-old added: “She’s put on weight. I’ve fed her so well recently that she’s gotten fatter… you already don’t meet the criteria. I think that as a celebrity, she can never weigh above 43kg.”
Yi Fong then asked Eleanor to weigh herself, while the 20-year-old starlet protested that her clothes were heavy.
“I’m worried that she’s too skinny because that’s not healthy. But whenever she wants to eat supper or anything, I will ask her to weigh herself. If she’s above 43kg, I’ll tell her not to eat and to go to bed,” Yi Fong explained as her daughter stepped on the scale.
Image source: Instagram screengrab
However, Eleanor would still munch on some biscuits in her room because Yi Fong claimed that she’s found a lot of ants in the house at night.
As for the weigh-in, Eleanor read the scale and said: “See, I told you my clothes were heavy.” Yi Fong then gasped as she looked at the scale and jokingly exclaimed: “You’re so embarrassing!”
While Eleanor insisted that her pinafore was made of a heavy fabric and asked Yi Fong to feel it, the veteran host wasn’t having it and remarked that her daughter wasn’t being professional as an artiste.
Of course, this could just be Yi Fong’s way of teasing her daughter for the camera as the two are known to have a very strong bond.
Image source: Instagram/quanyifong
This article was first published on AsiaOne and republished on theAsianparent with permission.
Lead image source: Instagram/quanyifong
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