PSLE Results 2019 have been released today, Thursday 21 November.
In a joint statement released by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB), 98.4 percent of Primary 6 students who sat for the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) can progress to secondary school.
PSLE Results 2019: 98.4% of takers can progress to secondary school
There were a total of 40,256 Primary 6 students who sat for the PSLE in 2019, with 39,622 assessed to be suitable to move to secondary school. Furthermore, a total of 66.3 percent—a slight decline from last year’s 66.6%—of students are eligible for the Express course, 21 percent for the Normal (Academic) course and 11.2 percent for the Normal (Technical) course.
634 students (1.6%) did not qualify for any of the Express, Normal (Academic) or Normal (Technical) courses. These students may choose to re-attempt the PSLE in the coming year (2020), the agencies said. They can also apply to Assumption Pathway School (APS) or NorthLight School (NLS) for a more experiential and hands-on learning approach.
“Students who have attempted the PSLE once and would like to apply to APS or NLS can do so with a recommendation from their primary school principal,” the agencies noted.
PSLE Results 2019: Next steps
Eligible students would have also received the S1 option forms to select secondary schools after collection of their results slips.
There will be a unique S1 Personal Identification Number (S1 PIN) in every sealed S1 Option Form, which can be used by students to submit their secondary school choices online and to view the posting outcome subsequently via the Secondary 1 Internet System (S1-IS).
The S1-IS will be accessible from 11.00am on Thursday, 21 November 2019 to 3.00pm on Wednesday, 27 November 2019 at
Alternatively, the option form can be submitted through the student’s primary school. Submission at primary schools can be made during the following time slots: 11.00am to 3.00pm
PSLE Results 2019: Choosing a secondary school
“Students have a wide variety of quality secondary schools to choose from,’ both agencies said.
“When choosing secondary schools, students – in discussion with their parents – should consider schools with cultures, programmes and environments best suited to their learning needs and interests such as Applied Learning Programmes, Learning for Life Programmes, Co-Curricular Activities.”
Meanwhile, the release also noted that S1 posting results will be released on Friday, 20 December 2019. Students will then need to report to the secondary schools that they are posted to on Monday, 23 December 2019 at 8.30am.
For more information on secondary school open house dates, read: Secondary school open house dates 2019 in Singapore.
For tips on choosing a secondary school for your child, read: Choosing A Secondary School In Singapore: 5 Key Factors To Consider.
Parents, no matter how your child has performed, remember that it’s important to celebrate the efforts—and not just the results.