The complete baby checklist:
We have tried to help anxious and excited new parents to leave their anxiousness away! Prepare for your baby’s arrival with this must-have baby checklist!
Do you have all these in your checklist prepared for your newborn?
Preparing for Baby’s Room
- Baby’s Cot
- Wind-up mobiles/ Merry-go-round
- Mattress
- Blanket
- Cot sheets
- Mattress protector
- Changing table (optional)
- Chest of Drawers
- Clothes
- Pacifiers
- Mittens
- Bootees
- Nappy
- Nappy liners
- Cotton buds
- Blouse/shirts – long and short sleeves
- Suits – pants and long shirts
- Handkerchief
- Safety pins
- Face towels
- Cotton balls etc.
- Nail clippers
- Cream to prevent nappy rash
- Oil for wind
- Ziplock to store soiled pampers or nappies.
- Gripe Water
Preparing for Baby Bathing
- Wipes
- Baby bath tub
- Bath mat
- Bath towel
- Bath sponge
- Baby soap/ bath lotion
- Baby shampoo
- Cotton buds
- A jug for cool boiled water
- Baby oil
- Tissue paper
- Diapers

Care of the Umbilical Cord Stump
- Sterile swab applicators
- Sterile cotton swabs
- Sterile container for cord spirit
- Cord spirit
Preparing for Feeding Baby
- Milk bottles & small sized teats
- Bottle scrub brush
- Warmer cum carrier bag
- Thermometer (to use when baby is unwell)
- Large pan/pot (for sterilising)
- Tongs (to handle hot bottles)
- 6-Bottle Electric Steam Steriliser (optional)
- Milk containers
- Playpen
- Stairgates
- Rubber protectors
- Highchair
- Bouncer
- Stroller/pram
- Baby carrier
- Toys & Playstuff
- Rattle
- Mirror
- Baby gym

Mummy Care
- Maternity Dress/ Pyjamas with front opening for breast feeding
- Breast cream
- Cotton balls
- Nursing pads
- Disposable panties
- Sanitary pads
- Bedroom slippers
- Breast pump
Other Optional Items
Have we missed out anything in this baby checklist? Add it in the comments box below.
Here are some articles that maybe of use after you are done with your baby checklist:
Help your child adjust to the new baby
Top 10 surprises for new parents