In fact, every MindChamps K2 class goes through the theme of ‘Transition to Primary 1’ from term 4 onwards, in the following 4 areas:
Physical Transformation of the K2 classroom
• The classroom is transformed to look just like a Primary School classroom; children will sit behind their desks in rows while teachers administer lessons from the front of class just like in school!
• Children will follow the Primary School time-table, with assembly and singing of the national anthem.
• Children will be taught the value of money and the importance of using their money wisely.
• Primary School etiquette will be highlighted, e.g., to raise their hand if they need to ask a question, etc.
• From term 4 onwards, the K2 children are given worksheets to complete in class, to prepare them to follow both spoken and written instructions, thereby strengthening their listening and comprehension skills.
• The children will be trained in their concentration skills as they remain seated for longer periods in the classroom.
Visiting a Primary School
• An introduction to formal learning will be done through excursion trip to a Primary School to familiarise the K2 children with the environment and teaching styles.
Social and emotional development
• Children are taught how to solve problems independently, e.g., how to deal with ‘bullying’ issues.
• Monitor roles are also assigned to them in class to strengthen leadership skills and inculcate responsibility in them.
• Skills are also taught on how to make friends and maintain friendships with pre-school peers.
The overall development of the children as they progress from PG to K2 in MindChamps PreSchool is one where every transition has been well thought out and planned to help the children embrace the next exciting phase in their lives with great confidence.
THUMBS UP from parents of our graduates
“We find the curriculum at MindChamps PreSchool very enriching and holistic in developing a child. Caleb, Daniel and Esther are able to display a lot more confidence and they are able to work with other people. MindChamps PreSchool also prepared Caleb and Daniel for Primary 1. In fact, they achieved grades of above 90% for their 3 main subjects. We highly recommend it as a premium pre-school to other parents.”
– Steven Wu & Quek Lay Choo, parents of Caleb, Daniel & Esther

“I made the decision to transfer Chloe to MindChamps PreSchool as they could offer programmes such as Chinese, music and cooking which other pre-schools could not offer. She just seemed to embrace everything that MindChamps offered. The distinct advantage of sending her there is that she was exposed to high-level problem-solving that she can apply to everyday life. Subsequently, when she graduated she has had no problems in Primary 1. This is a gift from MindChamps to us.”
– Gillian O’Flynn, parent of Chloe O’Connell
Visit www.mindchampspreschool.org for more information.