Of course, nothing’s definite until it’s confirmed, but here are some of the early signs that suggest some exciting news may be on the horizon.
The two week wait can be brutal for even the most resilient people. Those two weeks often result in a somewhat obsessive analysing of every little symptom, which let’s face it, can also be signs that your period is coming.
So what signs might you experience in the early days before a pregnancy test is likely to show an accurate result? We’ve put together 10 of the most common early signs of pregnancy.
Possible Signs of Pregnancy: 10 Most Common Early Signs
1. Sensitive nipples
Many women report experiencing sensitive nipples due to the increase in the hormones, estrogen and progesterone. In early pregnancy, your breasts will begin to gain more fat and milk ducts increase in size, which can also add to the sensitivity. Your areolas will also become darker, but this generally occurs further in than the first few weeks.
One mum described the sensation akin to “razor blades against the nipples” so if this sounds familiar, you may just be about to find out you’re pregnant.
Image source: iStock
2. Implantation bleeding
When the blastocyst (ball of cells) implants into the wall of the uterus, some women will experience light bleeding. This is often described as ‘spotting’ and it’s not something every expectant mother will experience. It can sometimes be mistaken for an early period, but is usually nothing to be concerned about.
According to The Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne, “One in four women will bleed in early pregnancy, many of whom go on to have a healthy baby.” The hospital also urges any women experiencing any bleeding during pregnancy to contact a health professional so that they can investigate and treat if necessary. Read more information in the hospital’s Pain and Bleeding in Early Pregnancy fact sheet.
3. Cramping
This is a difficult one, as it can also mean your period is on its way too, but some women experience light cramping in the first weeks or even months of conception. This can be as a result of a number of things such as implantation, the uterus expanding, or a corpus luteum cyst which releases progesterone until the placenta takes over at around 12 weeks. Again, if you’re even concerned, contact your general practitioner or obstetrician.
The Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne advise patients to head to their local emergency department if: their bleeding is heavy enough to soak through two pads per hour, they are passing golf ball sized clots, are experiencing severe abdominal pain or shoulder pain, they have fever or chills, are experiencing dizziness or fainting, or have unusual smelling vaginal discharge.
4. Extreme tiredness
Many a woman has tweaked that they are pregnant after falling asleep sitting up at 3pm. If you’ve had a few too many late nights then disregard this one, but if you’re otherwise well rested yet still find yourself battling the nods before dinner time, this may be an early sign that you’re pregnant.
NSW Health advises pregnant women to sleep on their side to avoid stillbirth following evidence which showed “sleep position can halve the risk of a late-pregnancy stillbirth.”
Possible signs of pregnancy: Falling asleep at your desk could either mean you’re just tired, or pregnant. | Image source: iStock.
5. Nausea
This wouldn’t be a symptoms list without morning sickness. Some experience nausea in the very early days of pregnancy, either in the form of subtle weakness and unease in the stomach, or in the more extreme cases, actual vomiting. This is often worse in the morning on an empty stomach, so if you experience pregnancy nausea, try snacking on a few crackers to help settle the tummy. You can also reduce the effects of morning sickness with supplements like Morning Sickness Relief Tabs or Prenatal Multivitamins.
6. Night time bathroom visits
When you’re in the final stages of pregnancy, your unborn baby will most likely put pressure on your bladder, causing the urge to pee to become more frequent. But did you know this could also be an early symptom of pregnancy too? Right from conception, your body will begin to expand to accommodate the tiny human it’s about to start growing, and this, along with the pregnancy hormones creating more blood flow, can often result in those 2am wake-ups to empty the bladder.
7. Constipation
The hormone progesterone has been known to slow down the bowels, and can become a problem for pregnant women as their body produces more of the hormone. If you’re taking a preconception vitamin that contains iron, this can also compound the problem. If this is you, keep up your water intake!
The Australian Government Department of Health suggests the following steps to help reduce constipation:
- Increasing fluid intake
- Supplementing with dietary fiber
- Discuss the use of laxatives with your healthcare provider if the above two options don’t work.
Progesterone can slow down the bowels and cause constipation. | Image: iStock.
8. Change in taste
Some women report their tastes altering from very early on during pregnancy. Some report having a metallic taste in their mouths, while others experience a change in tastes or even an increase in saliva. Some even report bleeding gums when brushing their teeth, which is also related to changes in the mouth.
So if you notice you’re suddenly adverse to your usual late night chocolate binge, or no longer appreciate the smell of a fresh coffee in the morning, then perhaps you might be about to come into some exciting news.
9. Feeling light-headed or dizzy
Dizziness and/or headaches can also be a result of morning sickness, but even if you’re not feeling nauseous, feeling light-headed or dizzy could be a sign that you’re pregnant. This is thought to be related to the increased blood supply and changes in the circulatory system, or even possibly low blood sugar in the early stages of pregnancy.
Eating small but more frequent meals and dressing in non-restrictive clothing is a good idea if you’re prone to dizzy spells, and if you feel faint, lie down or sit with your head between your legs then seek medical attention.
10. Mood swings
Many women experience mood swings in early pregnancy. Again, the change in hormone levels is to blame for the fact that you’re crying over Friday night football or getting angry over a TV cooking show.
Of course, many of these symptoms are considered ‘normal’ for many women, but if you’re experiencing multiple, you might want to do a test when you can.
Possible signs of pregnancy: A test is the best way to find out if you’re pregnant. | Image source iStock.
To help you on your journey to conceiving as you look for possible signs of pregnancy, you can take prenatal vitamins and supplements that will keep you in good health and ease some of the less-than-pleasant side-effects of pregnancy.
Kidspot recommends:
Blackmores Conceive Well Gold, featuring key nutrients like folic acid, iodine, iron, and fish oil. Once pregnant, you can switch to their Pregnancy and Breast-Feeding supplements.
Thorne Research Basic Prenatal, a gentle multivitamin and mineral formula featuring folic acid, folate, vitamin B6, and more.
Naturelo Prenatal Whole Food Multivitamin, a vegan option with natural iron folate and calcium.
Amazonia Raw Protein Pregnancy Plus, a plant-based protein with 14 naturally sourced vitamins and minerals, added organic ginger and dietary fibre.
Swisse Ultinatal Pre-Conception and Pregnancy Multivitamin, with 21 important nutrients including folic acid, choline, fish oil and zinc.
You can also use ovulation test kits to help you figure out when your fertile window is, so you know the best time to try for a baby.
Kidspot recommends:
First Response Complete Pregnancy Planning Kit
Fairhaven Health BFP Ovulation and Pregnancy Test Trips
Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test
This article was first published on KidSpot and republished on theAsianparent with permission.
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