Congratulations, you’re pregnant! So what’s next? As your baby grows in your tummy, you probably can’t help but wonder if your baby is a girl or a boy.
While you will eventually know your baby’s gender such as by taking an ultrasound during your second trimester or in some cases, genetic testing, it can be enticing to get a confirmation in advance.
To feed your curiosity, you might have even taken to ways such as examining your morning sickness, pregnancy cravings (girl if you crave sweets, boy if cravings are salty and sour), to even the position of baby bump (high bump for girls, low for boys). The list goes on.
But as far as some, if not many parents simply try these methods for fun, there’s another popular method which some parents believe to be more credible: the Chinese Gender Predictor or Chinese Pregnancy Calendar.
What is a Chinese Gender Predictor Chart?
A Chinese gender predictor chart guesses a baby’s sex by considering the mother’s birth date and the estimated date of conception or the baby’s due date. It then converts these numbers into the mother’s lunar age at the time of pregnancy and the lunar date of conception. The result is a prediction about whether you’ll welcome a baby boy or a baby girl into your family.
This tradition dates back some 700 years, with legend claiming that a gender prediction calendar was discovered in a royal Chinese tomb. Practitioners of Chinese astrology have faith in these charts, believing they can accurately predict a baby’s sex. However, it’s crucial to note that there’s limited credible information about the chart’s effectiveness.
The Chinese Gender Predictor Chart: How Accurate Is It?
Image source: iStock
This origin of this simple test basically dates back to some 700 years ago where legend says that a gender prediction calendar was discovered by a scientist in a royal Chinese tomb in Beijing, China.
But apparently, that is just one version to its origins. Either way, experts have yet to find any conclusive scientific evidence to back its credibility.
Supporters of the Chinese Gender Predictor Chart, however, say that it presents an accuracy of up to 90% of the time.
Still, with just two outcomes (either girl or boy), the success of determining the correct gender of baby is statistically only a 50 per cent chance every time—just like flipping a coin.
In addition, not all charts appear the same and often provide a different gender prediction, which certainly leaves room for doubt.
While there’s no harm in using it, parents are advised not to make any important decisions following the reveal of their results (read: hastily buying items of a certain gender, among others).
If you would like to get a prediction in the name of fun, go ahead and refer to the table below.
How To Predict Baby Gender Using The Chinese Gender Predictor Chart
In the Chinese gender prediction chart, two important details are needed: the mum-to-be’s birth date and date of conception (or the baby’s estimated due date in some versions).
What the Chinese Gender Predictor Chart does is convert what you have input into the calendar to your lunar age when you got pregnant and the lunar date of conception. In a matter of seconds, you find out if your baby is a girl or boy.
Otherwise, simply refer to this chart if you would like to seek a quick and fuss-free prediction.
To read the chart, firstly locate the age of when you conceived and then connect it to the month when your baby was conceived.

Should I Use A Chinese Gender Calendar?
Using a Chinese gender calendar can be a fun and entertaining way to speculate about your baby’s gender. It’s a lighthearted activity that can involve family and friends, adding excitement to your pregnancy journey. However, it’s essential not to take the results too seriously or make significant decisions based on them, such as choosing a baby name or decorating the nursery.
Chinese Gender Prediction Chart FAQs
How often is the Chinese Gender Predictor chart right?
While some people swear by the Chinese Gender Predictor, there is no concrete evidence supporting its accuracy over other unscientific methods of predicting a baby’s sex. In essence, the chart offers a 50/50 chance of being correct, just like a random guess.
How does the Chinese Gender Predictor work?
The Chinese Gender Predictor considers the mother’s birthday and the baby’s due date, using this information to predict the baby’s sex based on the mother’s lunar age and the lunar date of conception.
How can you find out the sex of your baby?
Accurate methods for determining your baby’s sex include prenatal testing, such as NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing) and amniocentesis, as well as a second trimester ultrasound. While fun, home-based methods like the ring test and prediction charts are not reliable and should not be relied upon for crucial decisions.
When do you find out the sex of your baby?
With prenatal testing, you can typically find out the sex of your baby starting late in the first trimester. Alternatively, if you opt not to undergo genetic testing, you can discover your baby’s sex during the anatomy scan ultrasound, usually around the 20th week of pregnancy.
Is There a Definite Way to Determine Baby’s Gender?
As mentioned, there is no surefire way to determine your baby’s gender other than through your obstetrician or gynaecologist.
While these methods often take some time to reveal your baby’s gender, they are known to be highly accurate.
Image source: iStock
As to how long it will take, it varies on the type of test you take. In most cases, it will be an ultrasound that you will undergo between 18 and 20 weeks. The key lies in identifying the baby’s genitals. The ultrasonographer will look at your baby’s image on the screen and examine the genitals for different markers that suggest a boy or a girl.
Still, the results are not 100 per cent accurate—at least until your baby’s genital anatomy is developed enough, and considering that there is no human error in identification.
In the event where the baby refuses to cooperate and isn’t in an ideal position, you might have to wait it out or take a repeat scan.
Free Cell DNA Blood Tests
Another way to get to know your baby’s gender earlier is through a blood test. You can take it as early as nine weeks into your pregnancy.
All you need is to provide a blood sample which will be sent for testing. You can receive your results in a matter of days.
While doing a blood test can help to reveal the gender of baby, it is more importantly used to test for Down syndrome and other genetically inherited conditions.
Genetic Testing
Like the free cell DNA tests, genetic testing like amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling (CVS) can tell you your baby’s sex but just not as early. While these procedures are 100 per cent accurate in determining baby’s gender, they are more invasive as they are designed to detect chromosomal abnormalities.
That said if your purpose is only on how to predict baby gender, it is recommended to skip these tests as they come with certain risks to miscarriage.
They are generally reserved for high-risk pregnancies: older women or couples with a family history of certain genetic conditions.
So, while the Chinese gender predictor chart can be a fun little game, it’s not something to bet the nursery on. For real, accurate information about your baby’s gender, chat with your healthcare provider and consider those medically approved testing methods. Happy guessing!