As a parent, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia and wonder while watching Peter Pan & Wendy, the latest movie adaptation of J.M. Barrie’s classic novel. This delightful adventure takes you on a journey to Neverland, where childhood dreams come to life and you never have to grow up.
The film’s focus on Wendy Darling’s inner struggle between wanting to stay young and embracing the inevitability of growing up struck a chord with me. As a parent, I have read the book, watched Disney’s animated version in the 90s and all the other movies derived from this iconic story. This movie reminded me of the preciousness of childhood and the importance of holding onto our sense of wonder and imagination, especially now that I’m a parent of a five-year-old.

But beyond the emotional resonance, Peter Pan & Wendy is a beautiful and magical experience that captivates children and adults alike. With its stunning visuals, charming characters, and inspiring themes, this film will leave you feeling inspired, enchanted, and grateful for the timeless tale of Peter Pan.
“But mother, I don’t want to grow up”
One of the movie’s key themes is Wendy’s dilemma of not wanting to grow up and wanting things to stay the same. Wendy’s desire to stay young and her reluctance to embrace adulthood is something that many young kids can relate to. As parents, we need to understand that it’s natural for kids to resist change and feel scared of the unknown. Giving them the support and encouragement they need to face their fears and embrace new experiences is essential.

The Peter, Wendy, and Hook in Every Parent
Another vital theme of the movie is that there’s a Peter, a Wendy, and a Hook in every parent. Peter represents the child-like innocence and imagination we all possess, Wendy represents a parent’s nurturing and caring nature, and Hook represents the fear and anxiety we all face as parents. As parents, we need to balance these three aspects of our personalities to be the best role models for our kids.
“Feel the ground beneath your feet so that your eyes can find the stars. Hold the past in your heart, but know that where you go from here it’s up to you.”
One of the most inspiring moments in the movie is when Tiger Lily tells Wendy to feel the ground beneath her feet so that her eyes can find the stars. This line is a powerful reminder that we must be grounded in reality and hopeful for the future. As parents, we must teach our kids to hold what they can of their past while being open to new experiences.

Memorable Cast of Characters
The movie features a fantastic cast of characters to delight children and adults. Ever Anderson delivers a standout performance as the spunky and adventurous Wendy, while Alexander Molony perfectly fits the mischievous and playful Peter. Jude Law plays the menacing Captain Hook with a sense of charm and humour that is both captivating and terrifying.
The supporting cast, including Yara Shahidi as Tinker Bell, Alyssa Wapanatâhk as Tiger Lily and Noah Matthews Matofsky as Slightly, the leader of the “Lost Boys” all deliver memorable performances that add depth and heart to the story. The movie’s diverse casting is a refreshing and welcome change that adds to the overall charm and appeal of the film. This inclusivity is a beautiful and inspiring example for young kids, who must see themselves represented in the media they consume.

The Takeaway
In conclusion, Peter Pan & Wendy is a magical and enchanting movie that will take you back to childhood. The movie’s message is simple but powerful: embrace the past, be present, and be hopeful for the future. As parents, we need to balance our childlike innocence, nurturing nature, and fears and insecurities to become the best role models for our kids.
The movie’s themes of not wanting to grow up and holding onto the past are relatable and timely for both kids and adults. The movie’s inclusive casting is a beautiful example of representation and should be celebrated. Peter Pan & Wendy is a must-see movie for families seeking a magical and inspiring adventure. Stream and catch it today, April 28, only on Disney+!