I’m so fortunate. I did not suffer from morning sickness in the 1st trimester, I didn’t know I was pregnant. I didn’t feel like I’m pregnant.

Days, weeks, months passed & I’m in my 2nd trimester, a little bump shown. Excited over the gender if my little one but I’ve a strong feeling my prince is coming. Did an exact scan & BINGO! I was right.
As I’m very petite, weighing 35kg before pregnancy, my tummy looks big for me to carry but still consider small to many others. I did not spend money on maternity dresses. I just buy M size dresses and it fits me through.
Into the 3rd trimester. Heartburn: ticked. Dehydration: ticked. Leg cramp: ticked swollen legs: ticked. My EDD? 28th May 2010 which was Vesak Day. As my hubby had to work and no one was at home, I suggested going back my parents’ place. Excited. Thinking will I be able to endure those contractions? Will my water bag burst? Finally the day has came, my EDD. No signs of popping.. yet.. Escaped from my house & went shopping at Jurong Point with my parents. Many people shun me. I dunno why. Probably because of my big tummy but I could still walk very fast.
29th May 2010:
Paid a visit to my gynae. Everything was ok. I was given a choice to choose my prince’s birthday. But I’ll let him choose himself. It’s his birthday. I’m overdue! I’m popping anytime real soon. Suddenly I pray so hard that the time don’t come. I’m enjoying every single bit of my pregnancy. I’m gonna miss my baby inside me.
30th May 2010:
No one accompanied me so I’m banned from going out too far. Carrying my baby in my tummy. Went down for a breather. Slept early.
31st May 2010:
Awaken by my granny as she talks in her dream. Wake up and play Farmville in Facebook at 430am (I used to be an owl), went to the toilet and saw something pinkish on my panty liner.. My Prince is on his way! I knocked on my parents door, call up my hubby and bathe my self thoroughly. I’m excited. Real excited.
I grabbed my “holiday bag” and my parents sent me down to meet my hubby at Heeren’s McDonald’s. We had our breakfast at 630am. I pleaded for a medium cup of cold Milo, no ice. This is gonna be my last cold drink for the next 100 days.
We reached Gleneagles at 730am but I’m still craving for Delifrance’s Strawberry Tart, so my hubby bought the tart for me. I munch on the tart while my parents and hubby did the paperwork.
At about 8am, the conceirge brought me up. Nope, not to the ward but the delivery room. I brought along my little Wombat soft toy named “Wombie”. He accompany me throughout my whole process.
Into the delivery room, Hubby and me were busy cam-whoring. The nurse told me to undress and change into the suit. She inserted some lotion to make me clear my bowels. I’m still very active. The nurse then checked me. I was 2.5cm dilated. She put me on drip to make me dilate faster I assume. Then, here comes my epidural into the back of my spine. I had low threshold of pain, I felt the pain. Ouch. I was trembling with excitement and fear.
My Gynae came in abit later and smile at me saying he’s gonna check me, I was all numbed. Then, I felt as though I’m urinating. My Gynae broke my waterbag without telling me. Haha.
At about lunch, I told my hubby to grab his lunch, I don’t think my Prince is coming out anytime sooner. I fell asleep but on & off I trembled like a drug addict craving for drugs due to the epidural. My Gynae came in to check on me but I just cant be bothered because the moment I’m awake, I will shivers and I detest the shivering feeling.
My Gynae told me my Prince will be arriving in another 4hours time. My hubby was excited, he was texting to my mum who is equally excited in her office.
At 4pm, the nurse told me I can start pushing once I’m ready. How am I gonna push? I really don’t know. Now, I began to fear of the pain although I’m on Epidural. I kept telling her I’m not ready. My defence broke at 4.15pm, I know this time I really need to face the procedure. I heard horror stories about the pain of labour. No one’s gonna help me now. The nurse taught my hubby to support my head while I push when the contraction starts. But I couldn’t feel the contraction so I figured it I push when I sense water dripping. Silly hubby didn’t tell me that the aparatus besides me can tell him when I’m having my contraction.
After awhile, I’ve got the hang of pushing. But still my Prince cant come out. I was exhausted and I told my hubby I need 2 big bottles of 100plus. The nurse laughed. My Gynae came in and helped me vacuum my Prince out while I push and before 5pm, he is all ready to see me.
Hubby cut his umbilical cord, the nurses cleans him up and hand him to me while my Gynae stitch me up. He was a good 3.3kg boy. Shed tears of joy but I missed the feeling of him inside me already. It was a mixed feeling of tears to be precise.
My Epidural is still with me and now, will I feel the pain when the remove the big fat needle? Couldn’t care less, As long as my Prince is with me, I don’t feel any pain. He is my painkiller and the effect was immediate. No one taught me what to do, all my motherly instinct acts up immediately.
Was being pushed to the ward, and suddenly I felt groggy and nauseaus. My hubby taught I’m joking. Mummy & Daddy rushed over from work to see me & my Prince, they were all very proud of me. While me, am contented with my Baby. I’m very blessed to have such easy pregnancy and labour.
When being interviewed by my friends, I couldn’t narrate the exact feeling because I didn’t know pregnancy could be so easy. I successfully breastfeed my baby till now and simply love the bonding time, His name is Kwan Yu Jie, King. He is my King King Baby.