Remember the lyrics to that one Bowling For Soup song? “Nothing changes but the faces, the names and the trends.” How true is that, though? I mean, just head to the nearest Starbucks and eavesdrop on the conversations of the students there and I’d bet that half the time, you won’t understand a single word they’re saying.
Don’t worry queens, we’ll give you an exclusive oxford-dictionary guide to the current millennial slangs so you won’t feel clueless anymore. Be warned: there will be plenty of acronyms on this list!
#1 Bae

Bae is actually an acronym with stands for “Before Anyone Else” and it can be referred to literally anything, not just a significant other. For example, I personally refer to pizza as my bae.
Example: “Omg, pizza is LITERALLY bae”
#2 SMH

SMH stands for “Shaking My Head” and well, it means shaking your head. Usually used in sentences that express annoyance.
Example: “The public transport is so crowded today SMH”
#3 I can’t even

It’s an incomplete sentence on its own and is used mostly when one feeling so much for something that words can’t express how one feels.
Example: “Omg, did you see how gorgeous her shoes were?! I can’t even”
#4 IRL

IRL stands for “In Real Life” and yes you may be thinking, “In what context would I even be using this?” Hear us out, in the age of celebrity crushes and overly flooded thoughts, this expression is very useful.
Example: “Wow, he must be really good looking IRL” or “I don’t even know what I’d be saying if I see you IRL”
#5 Yas

This is by far our personal favourite. It’s similar to saying yes but with indefinite amount of a’s, s’s and enthusiasm.
Example: “Omg yaasssss, this lighting is perfect for a selfie”
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This stands for “Not Safe For Work” and yes, it’s usually referred to things that aren’t work or child appropriate.
Example: “Don’t play that video here, it’s NSFW”
#7 On point

It means perfection and it’s commonly used to refer to something that is of top form. For example, eyebrows. Yes, we’re not kidding.
Example: “Yaaassss girl, those eyebrows are drawn so perfectly, so on point!”
#8 I don’t even

Similar to I can’t even, and commonly used as a verbal expression for the term “????”
Example: “So much was happening in the latest episode of Game of Thrones I don’t even”
#9 Lit

Lit is commonly used to describe something or somewhere or someone that is so happening or poppin.
Example: “That party was so lit!”
#10 Netflix and chill

It means that you can your partner watch Netflix while having…..
Example: “Since there’s nobody home tonight, how about we Netflix and chill?”
Do you know anyone of these terms? Share your thoughts with us!