As women, we spend a fortune on feminine hygiene products, especially sanitary pads and tampons that most of us require on a monthly basis.
But have you ever thought about how much trash these tampons and pads amount to in the long run? The feminine hygiene products we use often aren’t easily biodegradable and contribute greatly to the yearly waste we produce that is so harmful to the environment. Not to mention the ‘unsanitary’ aspects of sanitary products that aren’t too good for our health either.
It feels a little bit like we’re being taxed for being women, doesn’t it?
Tearing your hair out over period woes?
You’re probably thinking, “Well, what other options do we have?” Thankfully for us, there are more solutions to this problem out than there than we would think to imagine.
The solution we are talking about, in particular, was patented way back in the 30s – and are known as menstrual cups. As of late, they have made their way back into the spotlight with plenty of brands surfacing in the market.
What Exactly is a Menstrual Cup And How Does it Work?
Menstrual cups are essentially silicone cups that are inserted into the vagina during menstruation. Their sole purpose is to collect menstrual fluids, which you later dispose of, upon removing the cup.
Variations in shape, size and colour of menstrual cups
They come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours to fit the needs and preferences of each individual woman.
You fold the cup (there are a couple of ways you can fold it and most cups come with instructions) and insert it the same way you would insert a tampon. Its material allows it to ‘pop’ open when properly inserted. It then creates suction around your vaginal wall to prevent any leakage.
Removing your menstrual cup. Photo Source:
As for removal, you locate the stem of the cup and pinch the bottom bit of the cup to break the vacuum before gently removing it. You can then dispose of its contents before washing it and replacing it.
Why would I want to use a menstrual cup?
True, why would you? Well, we did some research and turns out it’s a whole lot cleaner, convenient and (once you get the hang of it) more comfortable than sanitary pads and tampons.
Why make the change if you’re already so comfortable with pads and tampons?
Most brands of menstrual cups are made from medical-grade silicone, ensuring that they are completely safe for you. You will need to wash and sterilize your cup after each use. This is done simply enough, by tossing your cup in boiling water for about 5 minutes.
Gone are the days of bags overstuffed with pads or tampons and constantly having to worry about leaks and stains! All you need is a single cup and many brands make their product so durable that you can use it for up to 10 years! However, they do recommend a change anywhere between 1-5 years.
All you need is a single menstrual cup – no more pads and tampons!
Also, you won’t have to worry about odours or the idea of pretty much sitting in your own waste anymore. You see, odours come about when menstrual fluids come into contact with air and begin to oxidise. This doesn’t occur with the use of a menstrual cup as it collects fluids before they leave the body.
Are menstrual cups safe?
Aside from being made from medical grade (and therefore, safe for you) silicone, menstrual cups also don’t pose some of the health risks that regular sanitary pads and tampons do.
Tampons for example, may also absorb other healthy fluids that are needed in your body. On top of this, the material used to make tampons can come apart and lodge themselves on vaginal walls.
Coloured menstrual cups are less prone to discolouration
As for sanitary pads, many of them are produced using plenty of plastic that doesn’t allow for a healthy airflow to skin in the area. This can often result in infections.
Menstrual cups don’t pose the health threats regular menstrual products do and overall just appear to be the more hygienic, convenient and economical option.
Menstrual Cup Singapore? Where to Purchase From
We did some searching and discovered you can buy your own menstrual cup in Singapore – Mummy’s Milk sells a brand called Mooncup and LiveLoveLuna gives you a selection of brands to choose from!
Mummy’s Milk
8 Chin Terrace Singapore 509878
tel: +65 81212840
Free shipping to Singapore (orders S$30 and above)
Alternatively, there are many companies that ship internationally and often for free! Some popular brands in the market are DivaCup, MoonCup, Ruby Cup, Lunette and FemmeCup. You can head over to their websites if you’re interested in purchasing one.
An array of brands are available in the market. Photo sources: respective brands
Most brands have reviews by satisfied customers who say they regret not making the switch over sooner. Brands such as LiveLoveLuna, make menstrual cups in various sizes to suit your needs – the same way tampons come in different sizes!
Watch this video from the good people at LiveLoveLuna, on some folds to use when using your menstrual cup. They have videos showing you other folds you can use, on their Instagram account. This is the Punch Down Fold.
Would you consider making the switch to menstrual cups? Let us know what you think by leaving a comment.