About to deliver your baby? Congratulations! Like all mothers-to-be, we know you must have many questions and concerns. Whether it is tips to prepare yourself for the big day, a better understanding of the childbirth experience or just plain reassurance that you’re looking for, we hope you find it on this page. Find out about pain-relief options, the various stages of labour, recent findings and more! Also, read about the pregnancy experiences that other Singaporean moms have shared with us.

1) How to make a birth plan
2) The last month! What to expect.
3) How foreigners can deliver in Singapore
4) Hypnobirthing explained
5) Overdue? Natural methods to induce labour
During Labour
1) Eating and drinking during labour
2) Pethidine – a pain relief option
3) Ethonox (laughing gas) – a pain relief option
4) C-section explained
5) Normal delivery explained