There are many true stories of good samaritans helping others without asking for anything in return. A recent one in Singapore involving strangers expressing their kindness to orphans living in a completely empty rental flat, has won everybody’s hearts!
Their inspiring story was shared on the Facebook community Project Pencil Singapore on Tuesday (27 April) and garnered a over 2k likes.
Orphaned Siblings Resort To Living In An Empty Rental Flat
Image source: Facebook / Project Pencil Singapore
During the circuit breaker last year, Madam Sarimah found a boy sleeping at a staircase landing. After learning that he was an orphan, she offered the boy a helping hand.
According to the Facebook post, the young boy was brought under the care of a family for a few months. But when he was offered a place to stay at a New Hope rental flat, he moved in with his brother and other tenants. However, the duo didn’t stay for long and then move to another (offered) rental flat in the North on Monday (26).
The elder boy contacted Madam Sarimah again to ask for help getting a used washing machine.
She was in for a surprise when she went to visit their flat and found it was empty. Aside from the siblings’ belongings, their home was completely bare with only built-in furniture. The flat didn’t have proper necessities or appliances either.
Image source: Facebook / Project Pencil Singapore
The photos shared also show that they were sleeping on thin blankets that were laid out on the floor.
True Stories Of Helping Others: Strangers Help Provide Furniture For Siblings
Image source: Project Pencil Singapore
Seeing how the brothers were living in the empty flat, Madam Sarimah asked friends and neighbours for help. Thankfully, many of them were willing to provide the siblings with whatever they needed.
There were kind strangers that bought fans for their home. Another one of her friends gave them mattresses, pillows, and blankets. Other strangers also offered the siblings a fridge.
More Help And Support For The Two Orphaned Brothers
Thanks to the post that has now gone viral, Project Pencil Singapore has also decided to hold a fundraiser for them.
The fundraiser will help the orphaned siblings with products they can use for cleaning and painting their bare rental flat. This is to ensure it is in good condition before Hari Raya celebrations. Eventually, the funds will also cover furniture for the siblings’ home.
You can also contribute to their fundraiser by donating via PayNow. The number is listed in the post.
This wonderful story of good samaritans coming out to help is a reminder to us all to spread kindness and love.
Lead image source from Facebook / Project Pencil Singapore.
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