Video shared with Tjin Lee’s permission.
The views and opinions shared in this video are Tjin Lee’s own.
Beyond school, children spend most of their time at home. Whether it is getting their homework done or just playing, children spend so much time indoors that it is tempting to leave them be while we get our own work and chores done. It is incredibly important to keep children engaged at home as it is the perfect chance to bond with them.
Keep kids engaged indoors
Here are 5 ways to do that:
1. Avoid computer screens and devices
It’s become very easy to give your child a device and let them immerse themselves in the digital world for hours on end. Instead, keep them engaged in a productive activity like reading and having real conversations with you by limiting screen time. This will help boost their social skills in the long run.
2. Plan indoor activities to be done as a family
Playing outdoors is good for the kids, but learning to play indoors is equally important, especially to keep away from the harmful rays of the midday sun. This is the perfect opportunity to check out those Pinterest boards for awesome DIY activities to be done at home, like creating sensory boards, journalling, making scrapbooks, painting and more.
3. Teach them how to help with household chores
Children who grow up pampered, never having to do household chores, won’t automatically pick up good household cleaning habits when they grow older. So if anything, you’re teaching them valuable life skills and you end up with a clean house. It’s a win-win situation!
4. Allow them to be bored
When was the last time your child actually had a chance to sit around the house bored? Boredom is a great way to spur your child’s imagination. Let them be bored and you will get to see how their minds wander.
5. Chat with them and actually listen
Your child desperately wants to be heard and sometimes, when we are so engrossed with work and household chores, we forget to just sit down and listen to what they have to say to us. Chat with them and ensure you pay full attention to them. You might be surprised at what they have to say.
Bonus tip from Tjin Lee:
One of the benefits of having the kids play indoors (apart from valuable bonding time!) is that you have more control over the quality of air they breathe. What parents may not be fully aware of however, is that indoor air quality can be compromised even without serious weather conditions like haze. For example, indoor air may contain 0.1 micron particles which are so small that, when inhaled, they can penetrate the bloodstream.
Entrepreneur Tjin Lee has found an efficient solution to this. Her quest for indoor air purity started when she decided she doesn’t want her kids to face the same dust allergies she had while growing up. Also, she loves playing with her kids indoors and wanted to ensure that playtime at home is nothing but enjoyable.
Now Tjin Lee has peace of mind knowing that the indoor air quality in her home is optimum with Dyson Pure Cool Link. It removes 99.95% of harmful ultrafine particles as small as the 0.1 microns as well as allergens and pollutants.
The World Health Organization published a list of gases of concern that can be found in the home – these include formaldehyde which can be emitted from materials in furniture and flooring, and benzene which can be released by burning scented candles for example.
Thankfully, the Dyson Pure Cool Link’s glass HEPA filter is designed to capture both particulate matter and gases. The device automatically monitors, reacts and purifies the air – then reports to your Dyson Link app. The app allows you to control your purifier from anywhere – whether you’re travelling, at work or simply on the sofa.
Keep your kids safe, healthy AND engaged indoors with these tips.
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