One of the most frightening things that can happen to a parent is realising that his/her child has gone missing.
In a video clip uploaded on Facebook (14 Sep), it appeared to be the case for one father in Taiwan who went into total kan cheong or kanchiong mode after realising his baby had ‘disappeared’ from the stroller.
From the video, the dad was seen absorbed while using his phone in one hand, and rolling an empty stroller back and forth using his other hand.
Image source: Facebook screengrab
It was only when the dad focused his attention back to his baby—whom he thought was in the stroller—did he get a shock.
Unaware that his baby was right under his nose the entire time, the dad anxiously looked to his surroundings in search of his child.
Image source: Facebook screengrab
Image source: Facebook screengrab
It took some moments before the dad finally came around and noticed that his baby was strapped in the baby carrier in front of his chest.
Thereafter, he gave his baby a few reassuring pats, though we reckon that it was also a sort of relief for the dad after being through such a scare.
Image source: Facebook screengrab
The video seemed to have captured the attention of many netizens and have gone viral with over 94,000 shares as of the time of writing.
Image source: Facebook screengrab
While it might have been just a false alarm for this dad, and that his baby is safe and sound, it seeks to remind all parents to stay alert especially when watching over their children.
“Turns out not only mothers have a mummy-brain (read: post-natal forgetfulness),” one netizen joked.
“Really can’t let the dad bring the baby out,” said another.
At some point in our lives, some if not many of us have found ourselves in similar situations (e.g. thinking we have lost our phones only to realise that we have been holding it all along). But with a baby at stake, one should never underestimate the importance of staying alert at all times.
You can watch the full video here:
Lead image source: Facebook/許佳盈
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