Is induced labour more painful? What is the fastest way to go into labour? How long does it take to give birth after being induced? How safe is induced labour? How to induce labour naturally?
Inducing labour is a way to start the process of childbirth early if your healthcare provider thinks it’s best for you or your baby.
If you’re a first-time mum, you probably have many questions about your pregnancy and giving birth especially if you’ve heard that there’s an option to induce labour. One of the more common questions that mothers ask is about the induction of labour methods. If you’re at 39 weeks or more pregnant and feeling like it’s time to get that baby out of there, read on!
What is Induced Labour
Induced labour is labour that happens artificially. There are induction of labour methods as a means of speeding up the birth process.
To induce labour, your doctor or midwife will help stimulate your body to go into labour. It’s usually done when there is a medical reason for it, such as your baby is overdue or if you have an infection. Induced labour is also sometimes used when it’s thought that your baby may be at risk of health problems.
It can take a few days for induction to work, and it’s not always successful. If you’ve been given a choice about whether to have an induced labour, talk to your doctor or midwife about the pros and cons of having an induction.
When to Wait and When It’s Time to Induce Birth
It’s a question that mums-to-be ask all the time. And it’s one that doctors get asked all the time, too. But there’s no straightforward answer to this question because every pregnancy is different.
Some women come in with a due date and decide they want to induce labour when they reach 40 weeks—and some women come in at 40 weeks and don’t want to induce until 41 weeks.
For most mums, labour usually doesn’t have to be induced since the process does happen naturally.
However, there are some situations where induction of labour methods is needed, such as in the following cases:
- You’re two weeks beyond your due date. Labour still hasn’t started
- Your water has broken, but labour still hasn’t occurred
- In cases of an infection in your uterus called chorioamnionitis
- If your baby has stopped growing at their expected pace or what’s also called fetal growth restriction
- There’s not enough amniotic fluid around the baby
- If you suffer from diabetes
- Another is if you have high blood pressure
- If your placenta starts to peel away from the inner wall of the uterus before delivery (placental abruption)
- You have a medical condition such as kidney disease or obesity
In these situations, it’s recommended for labour to be induced since not doing so would pose a risk to the mother and the baby.
How Is Labour Induced? Induction of Labour Methods
Image source: iStock
Before inducing labour, your doctor will usually start a “membrane sweep” or “cervical sweep”.
This is done with the doctor sweeping their finger around your cervix to separate the membranes between the amniotic sac and your cervix, releasing hormones that help induce labour. However, in some cases, it’s not enough, so your doctor will ask you if you want to induce labour instead.
Inducing labour is a fairly straightforward process, and it’s usually done by inserting a tablet called a pessary or a gel into your vagina.
Once that’s done, all that you need to do would be to wait for contractions to happen. Sometimes, your doctor will allow you to go home while you wait for it to work.
It can also happen that the tablet or gel doesn’t work. In those cases, you need to go back to your doctor, and they might offer you another tablet or gel to help induce labour.
However, once labour starts, everything else should proceed normally.
How long does it take to give birth after being induced?
The duration of labour after induction varies significantly among individuals. It depends on factors like the method of induction, the readiness of the cervix, and the response to medication. Labour can begin within a few hours or take several days. Your healthcare provider will monitor your progress and adjust the induction process as needed.
Is Induction for Labour Painful
Is induced labour more painful?
The induction process can be painful, but it is often necessary when there are medical reasons why the mother should give birth earlier than expected.
Induction for labour pain is typically milder than natural labour pains because a doctor controls it rather than occurring naturally. Some side effects may occur during induction, including nausea and vomiting, increased blood pressure and an increased risk of anaemia (low levels of red blood cells).
All women undergoing induction should talk with their doctor about these potential risks and how they can manage these risks if necessary.
How Safe is Induced Labour
Induced labour is generally safe when carried out under the supervision of healthcare professionals. However, it does carry some risks, including a higher likelihood of interventions like cesarean sections. The safety of induction depends on the specific circumstances of the pregnancy, the readiness of the cervix, and the chosen method of induction.
Is It Always Successful to Induce Labour
In most cases, induction of labour is successful and does not cause any complications. However, in some cases, induction may lead to complications such as uterine rupture or bleeding after delivery.
It is important to note that these risks are higher if you are undergoing a cesarean section instead of a natural birth. Therefore, you should always get your doctor’s opinion before undergoing this procedure.
What if induction doesn’t work?
If induction doesn’t lead to labour progress, your healthcare provider may consider alternative methods or suggest a cesarean section, especially if there are concerns about the baby’s well-being. The decision will depend on individual circumstances and health factors.
Depending on the situation, induced labour can be an option for mums.
Risks to Inducing Labour and Induction of Labour Methods
These days, inducing labour is a pretty common procedure. For the most part, the procedure is safe, and mums have nothing to worry about if their doctor recommends it.
But in cases where mums opt to induce labour even without any medical indication, there can be possible risks to the baby as it can sometimes result in a premature baby.
However, that doesn’t mean that complications can’t arise from induced labour. Here are some of the risks that mums need to know about:
- Failed induction. About 75% of first-time mums who have induced labour would be able to deliver their child successfully. However, for the remaining 25%, having a caesarean delivery might be a better option. Your doctors will talk to you about this and give you the option to have a C-section should you agree to it.
- Lower heart rate. The medication doctors use to induce labour can sometimes cause abnormal or excessive contractions, lowering your baby’s heart rate and decreasing their oxygen supply.
- Uterine rupture. This is an extremely rare condition wherein the uterus tears from a scar resulting from prior C-section surgery. In these situations, removing the uterus might be the best option to save the mother’s life.
- Infection. Some forms of labour induction can heighten the risk of infection for mothers and babies, particularly in cases wherein the membranes have to be ruptured.
- Excessive bleeding. Inducing labour can sometimes cause your uterine muscles to not properly contract after giving birth, leading to excessive bleeding after surgery.
As a rule, it’s always best to listen to your doctor’s recommendations about labour and carefully weigh the risks and benefits to find the best option for you and your baby.
When Is Induced Labor Not Recommended
Induced labour is not advisable in certain situations due to potential risks for both the mother and the baby. Your healthcare provider will make an informed decision regarding induction based on your specific circumstances. Here are some instances when induced labour may not be recommended:
Placenta Previa: When the placenta is covering the cervix, induction can lead to severe bleeding and is generally not recommended.
Prior Uterine Surgery: If you have had previous uterine surgeries, like a cesarean section, induction may not be suitable due to the risk of uterine rupture.
Uncontrolled Hypertension: Induction is usually avoided when a pregnant person has uncontrolled hypertension because it can lead to increased blood pressure and related complications.
Fetal Distress: If there are signs of fetal distress, it’s crucial to focus on the safest and quickest delivery method, which might not involve induction.
Premature Rupture of Membranes: Induction is typically not recommended when the amniotic sac has ruptured prematurely, as there is an increased risk of infection.
Natural Ways to Induce Labour
Image source: Stock
How to induce labour naturally?
There are also more natural ways of inducing labour, especially for mums past their due date who are excited to meet their little ones. Here are some of those methods:
- Exercise.
If you’re nearing your due date and looking to encourage the onset of labor naturally, there are various exercises you can try. Keep in mind that while these exercises are generally safe and can help stimulate uterine contractions, their effectiveness varies among individuals. Always consult with your healthcare provider before attempting these methods. Here are some exercises to consider:
Walking: A simple yet effective exercise, walking can help engage the baby’s head in the pelvis, potentially stimulating labour.
Squats: Squats can help open up the pelvic area and encourage the baby to descend, possibly leading to contractions.
Pelvic Tilts: Pelvic tilts are designed to relax and stretch the lower back and pelvic muscles, which can help prepare your body for labour.
Prenatal Yoga: Prenatal yoga is a gentle form of exercise that promotes relaxation and flexibility. Some yoga poses can encourage the baby to move into the birth canal.
Swimming: Swimming is a low-impact exercise that can alleviate the pressure on your joints and back, while the buoyancy can help your baby descend, potentially prompting labour.
- Sex. Having sex helps reduce oxytocin, which can help jumpstart uterine contractions. It’s safe to have sex at full term, so mums and dads don’t need to worry that they might hurt the baby.
- Stimulating the nipples. Stimulating the nipples manually or through a breast pump can help release oxytocin which can cause the uterus to contract and start labour.
- Acupuncture and acupressure. Some people believe that acupuncture and acupressure can help induce labour. The important thing to remember is to get it from a licensed professional.
- Certain types of food. Some say that eating spicy food, drinking different tea, or eating a salad can help induce labour. While no medical research supports these claims, it’s okay to try those things as long as your doctor allows you to do so.
Updated by Pheona Ilagan
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