All babies cannot grasp the meaning of danger, which is why constant supervision is one of the most important baby safety tips recommended by experts. As parents and guardians, it is our responsibility to ensure their safety so that they may grow and explore in a safe and secure environment.
However, there are still certain things that are out of our control. And there are things we can overlook when caring for our children which can result in tragedy.

It was never her intention to harm her own baby, but when mum Femida Shaikh, aged 23, lost her footing while wearing stilettos, she dropped her six-month-old baby Mohammed. The fall resulted in her baby falling off a first-floor balcony to his death.
Reports said that the tragic accident happened on Sunday at a wedding in Kalyan, India, near Mumbai. It is never easy for a parent to lose their child, and our heart goes out to the young mother for her loss.
Important Baby Safety Tips when Carrying Your Bubs
#1 Always Be Careful on Staircases

Every parent dreads losing their footing when carrying their bubs down the stairs. Staircase accidents can result in serious injuries to the baby.
According to a study in Pediatrics, in the majority of such accidents, the baby may also suffer head and neck injuries in addition to other serious injuries.
Important baby safety tips: Do you really need to bring your baby along with you down the stairs? Will you be away long? If you’re only gone for less than a minute (make sure it really is a minute), you can always place your baby in a playpen, making sure he’s safe while you run downstairs quickly.
If you know you’re going to take a while, we recommend putting your baby in a carrier so that at least one hand is free to grip the railing to prevent unwanted falls.
#2 Do Not Multitask
When experts examined stories of parents who fell while carrying children, they found other factors that contributed to the accident.
For example, lugging the laundry basket in one hand and carrying bubs in the other hand. Parents really shouldn’t be checking their phones too while carrying their child in the other.
Also, not all infants have strong head and neck control and they can surprise you by suddenly throwing their bodies backwards. This, in turn, could throw you off balance. More important baby safety tips to note: Babies can be extremely wriggly and may unexpectedly try to escape your arms, making you lose your balance.
#3 Think Footwear
One of the most important baby safety tips to remember when carrying your bubs is to be mindful of your footwear.
High heels, stilettos, flip-flops, and slippery socks can be quite unsafe compared to shoes with good traction or just being barefoot. If you are attending a fancy party, we recommend heels of a reasonable height and ones that you’re comfortable in. Wedge heels are also a good alternative and offer more stability and comfort than stilettos. Do not break into a new pair of heels just for the occasion.
However, we do understand that motherhood shouldn’t be the reason why mothers stop dolling up. But do keep in mind that you will be carrying a precious bundle around. Think about how mobile you will be at the event or if you will be sitting most of the night. Is your husband accompanying you? Then maybe he can carry your baby.
We just need to store our favourite stilettos in the back of the cupboard for a bit. Let’s face it, we’re not all Posh Spice. So remember all these important baby safety tips when carrying your bubs. Don’t worry, your stiletto days are not over, they are just taking a pause. As always with baby, safety first.
Source: New York Post
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