We all love our kids and many of us say that having a child is the best thing that has ever happened to us.
But it's when your child decides to test the envelope of his boundaries and you throw an adult version of your child's tantrum, that this statement is turned on its head!
If this is a situation you face regularly when you discipline your child, and meeting fire with fire is not making any head way, then it might be best to take a step back and re-think your strategy.
Tackle your child's discipline issues by thinking outside the box. The last thing that your child will expect is communication, and you dealing with his demands and tantrums in a neutral and unemotional approach.
By dealing with your child's tantrums in a calm manner, you can make him recognize that he has pushed the wrong buttons. The best part is that your child will not breed resentment against you for disciplining him.
Here are 5 easy steps to discipline your child without making him resent you: