Breast milk is best for babies. While all parents want the best for their child, sometimes a mum may find it difficult to breastfeed. A milk formula would then need to be provided to nourish her baby.
It can be distressing for parents when their child is showing signs of discomfort as a result of not being able to tolerate the milk formula given. This is referred to as Formula Feeding Intolerance, and it is not uncommon as a baby’s digestive system is still maturing.
In the second of four education videos from Abbott, Dr Chu Hui Ping, a paediatric gastroenterologist at the Raffles Children’s Centre, shares that 2 out of 3 babies experience Formula Feeding Intolerance. Watch the video below to find out more about the important features or components of milk formula that help support easy digestion and absorption of key nutrients for improved tolerance without compromising on nutrition:
Five things parents should know about Formula Feeding Intolerance
1. What is Formula Feeding Intolerance?
Formula Feeding Intolerance refers to issues with digestion of the milk formula, which results in gastrointestinal symptoms. It is the main reason why mums and doctors switch formulas for the baby.
2. What are the symptoms of Formula Feeding Intolerance?
According to Dr Chu, symptoms of Formula Feeding Intolerance include constipation, regurgitation/spit-up, gas, colic, and rash/eczema.
Marketing research suggests that two out of three children experience Formula Feeding Intolerance which can be addressed by choosing milk formulas that have certain features or components.
3. What type of the milk formula is suitable if a baby has Formula Feeding Intolerance?
This depends on the symptoms that the child has. For example, if a baby suffers from constipation, then parents may be advised to switch their baby’s milk formula to one that contains partially hydrolysed (broken down) protein, with added prebiotics and without palm olein.
If a baby has lactose sensitivity and suffers from bouts of fussiness, diarrhoea, gassiness and colic, then parents may be advised to switch their baby’s milk to a lactose-free formula.
For babies with a family history of allergies, a hypoallergenic formula which comprises hydrolysed proteins may be recommended to help reduce the risk of cow milk protein allergy.
4. If a baby is placed on a particular milk formula to address certain symptoms, should mums continue with the milk formula when symptoms have resolved, or switch back to their baby’s previous milk formula?
It’s advisable to not switch back to your baby’s previous milk formula without consulting your doctor. For example, babies who were placed on a lactose-free formula should be able to continue consuming the product.
According to Dr Chu, “In a lactose-free formula, the lactose content has been replaced with other carbohydrate sources, such as maltodextrin. The nutritional profile of lactose-free formulas is similar to regular lactose-containing products. Studies have shown that babies fed lactose-free formulas grew normally and had similar developmental status to those who consume lactose-containing formulas.”
5. How can mums help their baby with Formula Feeding Intolerance?
If you think your child is suffering from Formula Feeding Intolerance with his current milk formula, consult your paediatrician to see if a change of milk formula is necessary.
It could be a change that will allow your precious ones to grow and develop optimally – free from the stress of digestive distress.
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About Dr Chu Hui Ping
Dr Chu Hui Ping is a Paediatrician at Raffles Hospital with a special interest in paediatric gastroenterology. She was awarded the MOH HMDP award in 2010 and did her subspecialty training in paediatric gastroenterology and nutrition in Great Ormond Street Hospital and paediatric hepatology in Kings’ College Hospital in London.
Prior to joining Raffles Hospital, Dr Chu had been practicing at KKH as a Consultant in Paediatric Medicine as well as a Specialist in Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition service. Her main areas of interests are recurrent abdominal pain, constipation, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, food allergies, inflammatory bowel disease and feeding issues.

About Abbott and Abbott Nutrition
At Abbott, we are dedicated to fulfilling the promise of human potential, in all places, in all aspects and stages of life. We believe that health is the key to that promise. Because at our healthiest, we’re capable of achieving anything.
And that’s why our pursuit of helping people achieve their best health, through our diverse range of science-based nutritional products, diagnostic tools, medical devices and branded generic pharmaceuticals, will never end.
Abbott Nutrition offers the most trusted names in nutrition products —from nourishing infants and new moms for a healthier start, to providing active adults with the vitamins and minerals they need to perform their best, to meeting the distinct nutritional needs of people with acute or chronic conditions.
This commitment to enhancing health and well-being at every stage of life has made us the leading nutrition company in Singapore.
Giving the best to your baby

The ideal milk formula for your baby should support their total development, especially their rapidly growing brain. It should also be hypoallergenic, support better digestion and better absorption of key nutrients for optimal nutrition while taking care of their daily tummy comfort.
That’s why Abbott designed Similac & Gain Total Comfort with TummiCare – it’s been enhanced with Lutein, AA & DHA, making sure that your baby is provided with complete nutrition while being gentle with their tummy.