No one likes being tasked with the responsibility of cleaning and maintaining the house. There are simply too many different chores that we’re asked to tackle to maintain a perfectly sound home. Doing the dishes, vacuuming, laundry duty…it can be a bit overbearing at times.
These chores are inevitable, however, and if you truly want to stay on top of all of these tasks, you’ll have to get creative! One dad got very creative and decided that he’d assign a myriad of household duties to his daughter. The funny thing is…his daughter is still a baby!
In a video posted by How to DAD that’s gone absolutely viral, this dad shares exactly how you can train your baby to handle each and every household duty. And, of course, he does so in hilarious fashion.

First up, the dishes. Babies love bubbles, but this dad’s daughter probably never thought it’d come to this!

No one likes dirty floors and carpets…especially babies! Think about it: they spend so much time crawling around that they simply can’t cope with dirty floors. It’s only fair that they be the ones to clean them, right?

For those who don’t have a fancy, shmancy dryer, you’ll have to rely on hanging the laundry. For those who don’t want to do that themselves…you’ll have to rely on your baby to handle the task!

When I was kid, I was always in charge of taking out the garbage. Looks like this little girl is getting a head start on basic household responsibilities!
Click next to watch the hysterical, yet responsible, video!
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