Help to conceive: Must-read fertility tips


Are you trying to conceive? What can you do to conceive and how can you help your spouse during this process. What if you cannot conceive despite doing everything right? Read these useful fertility articles...

About 15% of couples in Singapore do not get pregnant successfully within 12 months of trying to conceive. Why is this so? theAsianparent answers your the truth behind fertility myths.

We have also put together a pre-pregnancy guide to help you access whether you are ready start a family and if you are, what other preparations do you need.

In addition, we have compiled the following list of reading resources to help you achieve your goal.

Food to increase your chances to conceive

  1. Recipes to increase fertility
  2. Fertility boosting foods
  3. TCM fertility boosting ingredients
  4. Radish Congee with Huai Shan and Job’s Tears
  5. Stir Fried prawns and rice wine
  6. Sea cucumber and huai-shan congee

Sex, positions and conception

  1. Sexual positions for conception
  2. Yoga poses for couples trying to conceive
  3. Daily sex boosts sperm quality
  4. Fertility advice for men
  5. Egg freezing for women over 40
  6. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or Tipped Uterus
  7. Reduce Stress

Other forms of Assistance

  1. In vitro maturation of eggs (IVM)
  2. Assisted hatching
  3. Donor egg program
  4. Superovulation-IUI
  5. Assisted Reproductive Technology
  6. Blastocyst Transfer
  7. GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer) and ZIFT(zygote intrafallopian transfer)
  8. In-Vitro Fertilization
  9. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  10. CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridisation)

Help to conceive: Must-read fertility tips

For more related articles on conception and pregnancy, see:

Doctor’s answers to fertility treatment options

15 sex positions to get pregnant

10 dishes to make you pregnant

Choosing a gynaecologist can be very tough! To make it easy, we have picked the best gynaecologist in Singapore.

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