As mothers we can be so hard on ourselves. Particularly as first-time parents, we can often we feel we are failing.
One such mum who found herself struggling with her kid’s major meltdowns took to Reddit to explain she felt like she was ‘failing at the whole parenting thing’.
“I’m constantly failing”
Image source: iStock
“I’m constantly failing – 95% of the time I feel like a total failure. I am always yelling at my kids. I’m so stressed out all the time,” the mum wrote.
“When I take them to their extracurricular activities I seem to be the only parent that has no idea what’s going on.
“Every time we try to have a family day it ends in the kids having major meltdowns no matter how we try to plan it.
The stressed-out mum then explained that she was trying to run a small business, raise her kids and be there for her husband and was feeling lost.
“We’re all struggling”

The mum was quick to receive advice with one parent explaining that ‘we’re all struggling’.
“All parents are just getting on, no matter what it looks like from the outside. Sure, some people struggle more than others but parenting is a huge learning experience and it never ends,” they wrote.
“Just because other parents look like they know what they’re doing doesn’t mean they don’t feel the same as you.
“Parenting is HARD, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Years from now you’ll look back and see it differently. You sound like you’re stretched thin, so my advice is to have a break, leave the kids home with Dad or someone else and do something just for you.
“Don’t be afraid to reach out, whether to a therapist, online community, friend or family member.”
“Good parents feel like they’re failing”
Image source: iStock
Another parent explained that most good parents feel like they are failing at least once a day.
“At least I do!” they sympathised.
“The fact that your kids are even doing extra activities tells me you’re not failing. Use that though as a way to find your support network.
“I know it’s hard, I’m naturally an introvert and find approaching people terrifying but I have forced myself to talk to parents at my kid’s groups and slowly I am building up a peer support group. You’re not alone, but I do understand it feels like it,” they added.
This article was first published on KidSpot and was republished on theAsianparent with permission.