Breakfast has long been associated with providing kids with energy for the whole day, but could there be more to it? Does it also lead to better grades? The answer, according to science, is yes. Studies reveal that a healthy breakfast for kids can lead to better academic performance! Here is how breakfast can be the perfect way to jumpstart your child’s day:

1. Don’t let them skip the most important meal of the day
Mornings can be tough. Your kids may not be in the mood to eat. You just want to go back to sleep. You’re all in a rush to get out the door. But whatever your situation is, it’s crucial that your kids don’t skip breakfast.
After a good night’s sleep, children need a nutritious breakfast to refuel and give themselves enough energy for the busy day ahead.
This is especially true for children undergoing a rigorous curriculum. Although the brain accounts for only 5% of the human body’s mass, it requires 20% of the oxygen carried by the blood. A scientifically proven way to deliver better blood flow to the prefrontal cortex, which controls “higher” brain functions, is to give your child BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken for Children (AlphaMynd) for breakfast. Specifically formulated for ages two to 12, BRAND’S® AlphaMynd is the ideal nutritional supplement for your child’s breakfast diet. When your child is able to concentrate better, it will naturally lead to improved learning and better grades.
2. Prepare a healthy breakfast for kids that’s rich in protein and with the right carbohydrates
The first meal of the day will replenish the body’s blood sugar (glucose) level. Glucose is the fuel that our brains need to operate well. This is why breakfast is so important.
While our bodies need glucose, it’s good to keep in mind that there is such a thing as too much sugar. Our bodies convert carbohydrates into glucose. When high glycemic foods (highly-processed carbs and even a few fruits like melons and pineapples) get converted too quickly, blood sugar levels peak and then crash after about two hours – leaving us feeling lethargic and tired.
What’s a mum to do then? Choosing the right carbohydrates (complex carbohydrates such as whole grains) is important.
In a study comparing the effect of eating sugary cereal versus oatmeal, those who ate oatmeal did not experience a sudden drop in blood sugar levels because oatmeal is absorbed slowly. Thus, eating complex carbohydrates like oatmeal allows children to maintain energy levels throughout the morning. It also prevents the release of hormones that negatively affect mood, concentration and memory.
Another great way of keeping blood sugar levels stable is to combine carbohydrates with proteins. Eggs are a great source of protein and other nutrients such as choline, folate, iron, and omega-3 fats, among others.
For a convenient no-cook solution, consider giving your kids BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken for Children (AlphaMynd). In addition, Essence of Chicken has been clinically proven to lower the body’s glycemic response, even when taken with high glycemic foods such as white bread and white rice.
Each bottle is equivalent to one serving, so it’s easy to grab and go.

3. Add fruits for a berry healthy brekkie
Fruits are another great breakfast solution because they pack a powerfully nutritious punch. Berries typically contain fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants.
Berries also add a sweet flavour that kids enjoy. Typical healthy breakfast recipes suggest adding blueberries or strawberries to oats or yogurt. Remember that moderation is still important, so take note that one serving of berries is about 120g.
Another practical option is to choose the newly-launched BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken for Children (AlphaMynd), enhanced with Lycium. Lycium, also known as Chinese wolfberries (gou qi zi) have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Aside from having a sweet flavour, fiber, Vitamin C and antioxidants, this small red fruit is also rich in Vitamin A, which is important to maintain good eyesight.

4. Make your child responsible for breakfast
Putting your child in charge of breakfast builds independence and sets the stage for a productive day. Including it as part of a morning routine also ensures that the healthy habit is sustained even when they grow older.
The Montessori method includes a popular way to teach a young child how to prepare breakfast. It may sound daunting (especially for your child!), but initially, preparation can be done in the evenings to avoid hectic mornings. First, ask your child to observe while you demonstrate how to get items from their places and prepare the food. Then, ask your child to perform the task while you watch.
Of course, accidents may happen, but keep calm and be prepared with rags to wipe spills. Remember, you can always turn it into a timely lesson on the importance of cleanliness. Over time, practice will build your child’s confidence and speed. Even better, breakfast will be transformed into a time of learning and development.

A breakfast supplemented with BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken for Children (AlphaMynd) gives our children’s brains the boost needed to focus, concentrate and excel in school. Learning more effectively translates to having more time for family, play, and other activities. So while we’ve heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, a BRAND’S® AlphaMynd every morning could help keep the tutor away!
Enjoy an exclusive 15% discount* when you purchase BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken for Children from Shopee Singapore. To take advantage of the promotion, enter the code <BRANDSBFC> when buying BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken for Children with Lycium (6 x 41ml) or BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken for Children with Vitamin B Complex (6 x 41ml). Hurry, voucher expires on 11 April 2019. Terms and conditions apply.
*Limited to one redemption per customer