Though we try our best to always wash our faces before bed, there are times when we slip, favouring sleep over spending an extra couple of minutes wiping our makeup off.
Sure, we try to justify this with various excuses: a long day at work; a particularly exhausting night on the town. But this can turn into a harmful habit that, when not kept in check, could cause serious long-term damage to our skin.
So what exactly are the effects of committing this “skincare sin”?
Inflammation or Styes
Eye makeup such as shadows and liners, in particular, can clog up your oil glands and hair follicles stimulating bacteria growth.
The risk for corneal abrasions and redness are also heightened because eye makeup particles tend to irritate the eye.
Thinning of eyelashes
Mascara, when left on overnight, can pull out some of your eyelashes while you sleep!
More harmful effects of not cleaning your face before bed on the next page!
Sleeping with your foundation, especially if it’s oil-based, can lead to a severe acne breakout.
Clogged pores and blackheads
Surprisingly, the biggest culprits of this harmful effect are lip products.
While you sleep, smeared lip stick (or lip gloss) may transfer onto other parts of your face, clogging up your pores.
Uneven skin tone
Some concealers have a high SPF content so leaving them on for too long can cause unnecessary tanning of certain parts of your face.
While you sleep, having makeup on doesn’t allow your skin to “breathe”. This robs it of moisture and hydration, leaving it dry and dull.
As you go about your day, harmful free radicals from the environment cling to your face. This means that if you sleep in your makeup, your exposure to these free radicals is prolonged.
These slowly break down your skin’s healthy collagen and causes the early formation of wrinkles.
To recap, watch this Buzzfeed video. (And don’t forget to sleep with a clean face!)
If you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them with us!