Baffled by how Jesse James could have cheated on his superstar wife, Sandra Bullock? Or why Kevin Federline stepped out on Britney Spears?
A new research has claimed husbands who are financially dependent on their wives, are more likely to cheat on their other half.

The research added that the greater the earning gap, the more likely the man is to get unfaithful. Experts suggest that these husbands cheat in order to reassert their manliness.
Talking to Daily Mail, Christin Munsch, of Cornell University in New York State, said: “At one end of the spectrum, making less money than a female partner may threaten men’s gender identity by calling into question the traditional notion of men as breadwinners.”

“At the other end of the spectrum, men who make a lot more money than their partners may be in jobs that offer more opportunities for travel like long work hours, travel and higher incomes that make cheating easier to conceal,” added Munsch.
The research showed that women who were financially dependent on their husbands or boyfriends were more likely to remain faithful.
“For women, making less money than a male partner is not threatening. More importantly, economically-dependent women may encounter fewer opportunities to cheat, and they may make a calculated decision that cheating just isn’t worth it. If they get caught out, their livelihood is at risk,” said the researchers.
Maybe this would explain why the financially dependent K-Fed would not only cheat on Britney but also ask for spousal and additional child support during the divorce, and also why the famous and rich Tiger’s infatuation with Vegas cocktail waitresses spiralled downhill the moment he got caught.
Read more here.