This article is from our archives. It reminds us that when we think the going gets tough, to remember there’s someone out there for whom things are much tougher. We don’t know how Mr Tiong is now, but we’re hoping he is okay.
We often complain when things don’t work out for us. We have a cold and our whole life comes to a halt. Our helpers go home for a few weeks and we collapse in our beds every night exhausted, because of all the work we need to do… and so on.
But after you read this Singaporean dad’s story, you’ll probably never complain about such things again.
44-year-old single dad Goh Hoon Tiong had a tough life to start with, according to a The New Paper report by Chai Hung Yin.
He worked hard at two jobs, cleaning and dishwashing, in order to raise his three children — a seven-year-old daughter and two sons aged 10 and 13.
But in May this year, “a tough life” suddenly took on a whole new meaning for Mr Goh when he was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer.
The interview with Mr Goh reveals that he had to quit both his jobs following the cancer diagnosis, and has already undergone 26 chemotherapy treatments and four radiotherapy sessions.
Mr Goh has a metal stent in his oesophagus (a tube that passes through his throat, to his stomach) which is there to make it easier for for him to eat and swallow.
However, in The New Paper report, Mr Goh mentions that the stent causes pain when it expands and contracts. In fact, right through the interview, he had “remained crouched in a tight ball – it is the only position that seems to give him relief from the pain.”
Mr Goh has lost 12kg since the cancer diagnosis, which has delayed the operation that is needed to remove the tumour.
Goh Hoon Tiong is a single dad with cancer. The love he has for his children gives him the strength to fight the disease.
Image credit: The New Paper
Small acts of kindness add up to a great deal

This brave single dad is reportedly very grateful for all the kindness he has been receiving from the public ever since his story was highlighted in Chinese newspaper Shin Min Daily News last and a translated version of the story was posted on SPH’s portal AsiaOne.
Some kind people have donated a special drink for cancer-related weight loss, called Prosure, while other have helped with cash, groceries and even an air purifier.
The New Paper report mentions that a netizen has set up an online crowd-sourcing campaign on GIVEasia to raise money for Mr Goh.
Mr Goh makes it very clear though that he is not after people’s money. According the the news report, Mr Goh “has been receiving financial aid since 2012 and he has a monthly cash grant until end of the year, when his needs will be reassessed.”
His kids also get Government aid to help with education costs.
The cancer may have made his body weak, but you can see the look of determination on Mr Goh’s face to fight this battle for the sake of his family.
Image credit: The New Paper
A trooper and a fighter
Mr Goh still does household chores like the laundry and cleaning, but sometime he says he has to ask for help because he has no energy.
He also has these wise words to share with us: “No matter how hard it is, I will fight and make it work. Who says a man cannot be a good single parent?”
theAsianparent wishes Mr Goh all the best for his operation to remove the tumour. We just know that with a fighting spirit like his, he will always emerge as a champion.
Do share your wishes of encouragement and support for Mr Goh in a comment below.