Respite came in sooner than expected for parents of the 12-year-old girl who went missing from Woodlands. Thanks to their prompt action, Singapore Police Force (SPF) managed to find the girl just in time.
Taking to Twitter, SPF shared updates on this latest development, after having posted numerous pleas for information about the young Malay girl over the past few days.
Girl Missing In Woodlands Finally Found
Image courtesy: SPF
The girl had gone missing from Block 185A Woodlands Street 13, at about 7.30 am on Tuesday (July 6), according to SPF. Reports suggest that the girl was reportedly wearing the Marsiling Primary School Uniform when she disappeared.
Police provided no other details and appealed to the public to call 999 in case they had any information about the girl who went missing in Woodlands.
SPF on Friday finally tweeted saying, “12-year-old female Malay missing since 06/07/2021 at 0730hrs has been found. Thank you for your assistance.”
Check SPF’s tweet:
It was surely a scary moment for her parents, as it is for any parent when they accidentally get separated from their child. No matter how alert we are, emergencies or any untoward incidents can happen anytime.
The best way to deal with such untoward instances is preparation.
5 Safety Lessons That Can Protect Your Child From Potential Danger
Image courtesy: iStock
Here are some important lessons to teach your child to both– prepare them for any danger, as well as keep themselves safe, should they find themselves in an untoward situation.
- Teach your child your full name, phone number and your address: Get your child to memorise vital information such as parents’ complete name, home address and home phone number. If your kid is too young to remember all these, then write them down on a piece of paper and then tuck it in their shoe, bag or their pocket. Tell them about it and how they need to show it to someone in case they find themselves in a dangerous situation.
- Make them practice calling: If your child knows how to use the phone, ask them to practice calling. This may sound strange now, but in case of an emergency, they won’t freeze.
- Teach your child to ask for help from the right person: We teach our kids not to talk to strangers, but it is important to help them identify those who can help them. For instance, you can teach them to ask the police and/or a mum with a child for help, or a senior citizen. They can also reach out to security guards or store managers if they are lost in a mall or a shopping department. They should then hand out the vital information so they can reach you.
- Teach them not to go out looking for you: If they are lost, teach your kids to stay wherever they are and ask for help. They shouldn’t be on a hunt to search for you. Assure them that if they are lost, you will find them.
- Teach them not to panic: Yes, we know this is easier said than done. But it is very important to stay calm. When they are scared and frightened they may go into a shell and refuse to cooperate with others. This might make the search more difficult.
Simple reminders and staying alert in public can minimise such incidents. The topic as such can be quite distressing, but it needs to be brought up and discussed with your child calmly.
As Psychologist Dr Sanam Hafeez says, “You have to prepare your kids for emergencies, but there are some parents who are so anxious and neurotic that without meaning to, they pass that onto their kids.”
She further added that when you are constantly making them “hyper-vigilant,” they actually don’t learn what they’ll need to do in case of a real emergency to come out from the situation.
So stay safe and alert!
News source: Must Share News
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