Mums are very hard working individuals. Not many people can say that their workload is on par with a mum’s. With all of the motherly responsibilities and daily chores to boot, it’s crazy to think that mums can still find the time to get a good night’s rest.
Well…get a good night’s rest sometimes. Other times (most times), mums are left wishing they got just a little bit more sleep. Mums who don’t get enough sleep, just like anyone else, aren’t always at the top of their game. Everyone’s human and we all make mistakes, that applies to mums as well.
BuzzFeed recently took the time to ask their in-house mums to share some of the funniest and most ridiculous things that they’ve done while completely exhausted from life as a mummy. The results are sidesplittingly funny!
The Funniest Things Overworked Mums Have Done:
1. “I walked out to my car and strapped my son into his car seat before I realized that I didn’t have pants on.”
![Things Overworked Mums Have Done](
2. “I was so tired I forgot our son’s name. I gestured to the monitor and asked my husband, ‘How’s what’s-his-face doing?”
![Things Overworked Mums Have Done](
3. “I made coffee without any coffee grinds. It wasn’t until the second sip that I realized I was just drinking hot water.”
![Things Overworked Mums Have Done](
4. “I kept trying to open the front door of my house by pressing the unlock button of my car key.”
![Things Overworked Mums Have Done](
5. “I walked right up to my husband and put our son’s pacifier into his mouth.”
![Things Overworked Mums Have Done](
6. “When my baby woke up in the middle of the night crying I answered the door thinking it was someone ringing the doorbell.”
![Things Overworked Mums Have Done](
7. “I folded an entire basket of dirty laundry.”
![Things Overworked Mums Have Done](
8. “I once tried to put on a pull-up instead of underwear after showering. Then I cried when I couldn’t get it on.”
![Things Overworked Mums Have Done](
9. “I finished a full grocery shopping trip, then fastened the baby into her car seat and drove away — leaving all of the groceries in the cart in the parking lot.”
![Things Overworked Mums Have Done](
10. “I had to go a whole day at work like this:”
Source: BuzzFeed
As you can see, these mums were victims of a lack of sleep but at least they were kind enough to share their hilarious anecdotes!
Mums, do you have any stories that are equally funny or embarrassing?
If you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them with us.