In an interview with Das Neue Blatt, a German magazine, Hollywood Actress Angelina Jolie reveals her opinion that couples who are in a relationship need not be faithful to each other.
To quote her verbatim, “I doubt that fidelity is absolutely essential for a relationship. It’s worse to leave your partner and talk badly about him afterwards. Neither Brad nor I have ever claimed that living together means to be chained together. We make sure that we never restrict each other.”
Our world has definitely evolved through the years, and we’ve seen a lot of changes brought about by globalisation and modernisation. Still, do we really believe that fidelity is outdated? We asked some of our reader mums and this is what they had to say:
“For couples to have a successful marriage, they need to be faithful to each other. There’s no such thing as open romances in happy marriages…or is there?,” asks, Samantha Pang.
Echoing her sentiments, was reader Mala. “Totally disagree with this statement! The most important and essential thing in marriage is faithfullness. If there is fidelity there will never be successful marriage. And what kind of moral will we be setting for our children?”
What do you think about Jolie’s view on fidelity? Do you think that fidelity is not necessary in our modern society?