Know someone in your life who just became a mum? Cracking your head on what to get her? You want to be practical yet exciting… so what do you do? Read on for 13 no-fail gifts for new mums that are guaranteed to please!
We’ve listed down practical gifts for new mums that will be incredibly helpful for not only themselves but their baby as well! Here are thirteen gifts for new mums that will definitely help them jumpstart their motherhood journey.
Top 13 Gifts For New Mums
1. Lactation cookies
Image source: iStock
These practical cookies will help the new mum boost or maintain her milk supply. Usually made with wheat germ, flax seed and whole oats, these ingredients help with the milk supply and it is tasty for mummies and daddies too! Definitely one of the sweetest and beneficial gifts for new breastfeeding mums.
2. Beebo bottle holder
Mums no longer have to hold the bottle up during feeding time, but instead, can sling the ‘hook’ over their shoulder, and attach the bottle in the holder provided. This allows mums to have their meal while baby is having his food, making feeding time simpler and more enjoyable (read: relaxing) for everyone.
3. A hamper
Fill it up with wine, cheese and coffee! These were the things the new mum in your life had to stay away from for 9 months, so why not reward her with them? Pack in a bottle of her favourite wine, cheese, and coffee, and maybe even some grapes to go along.
4. A voucher for a day at the spa
Nurturing and carrying a baby for 9 months inside is hard. Giving birth is even harder. Reward her with a spa voucher- and she’ll discover her own path to serenity and peace.
A day at the spa is one of the most relaxing and pampering gifts you can prepare for new mums. Not only will she thank you for the kind gesture, but she’ll come back feeling rejuvenated and fresh, and ready to kick butt at new parenting!
5. Teething toys
Image source: iStock
During the teething stage, babies will munch on anything that they can get their tiny hands on. Getting teething toys as gifts will come in handy when that stage comes.
This is one of the best gifts for new mums that will surely help her and her newborn out!
6. Diaper bag
A diaper bag doesn’t have to be frumpy-looking and bulky. It can be stylish and yet big enough to carry all her baby needs. It’s one of the handiest gifts you can get for new mums.
7. Breastfeeding pillow
Breastfeeding can get uncomfortable at times, either for the mum or her baby. This breastfeeding pillow will help to ease her aching back and make the experience more comfy.
8. Breast pump
Image source: iStock
Find a reliable pump that makes pumping more convenient (an electric one is usually the preferred choice). This new mama will be eternally grateful for this present especially if she intends to head back to work soon after, and needs to pump on-the-go.
9. Travel chair
This will definitely come in handy if she decides to bring her baby out to a restaurant. Although most restaurants do have baby chairs, very few have chairs which include the table. For the mum who wants everything right in front of her for convenience!
10. Sushi vouchers
Or any other vouchers for the food she couldn’t have during her pregnancy! We’re pretty sure she’d be craving some of these, so what better way to surprise her than with the gift of food?
11. Concealer

Also known as a new mother’s life saver! For the times you need to look decent, and don’t have the time to do anything that doesn’t revolve around your tiny new tot. This magical stick will make her feel like a princess!
12. Newborn photoshoot
It could even be a photoshoot for the whole family! This is one of the most wonderful gifts for new mums to look back on in a few years’ time and remember the days when her child was just a few weeks old.
13. Baby bibs
A staple accessory for every new mum and her bub. Babies are messy, and food will get everywhere! Buying bibs in packs will be an awesome pick- something practical yet cute. Try finding those with adorable words on them!
Those are top picks on gifts for new mums! Did you find something that you want to give to your fellow mummies?
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