The second dose of vaccination is as important as the first one. As you may know, the second shot ensures lasting immunity to protect you from COVID-19. But what happens when you get exposed to the virus right before your second dose?
A Reddit mum from the US
shared what she went through when her child allegedly “brought Covid home.’ The incident took place two days before her second vaccination.
“My Kindergartener Brought Covid Home, Days Before My Second Dose Of The Vaccine”
Image source: iStock
In her post, user emoney1226 shared how her child got exposed to a positive case in class. “My kindergartener brought it home – they showed no symptoms but we were notified of a positive in their class and had them tested as a precaution,” she wrote.
The mother found that she had caught the virus, when she began feeling sick herself. She says she got her positive result the same day she was going to get her second vaccine jab.” She added that she feels sicker than expected, but recognises that the symptoms “could have been a lot worse.”
“The scary part is I haven’t had a fever the entire time – so much for temperature checks,” she added. The Reddit mum also stressed how “diligent and safe over the last year” she was. This goes to show how you could never be too careful given the current situation.
“Looking forward to being over this and the extra protection of getting the 2nd dose,” she wrote.
Other mums responded to her post and asked her if her child was exhibiting any coronavirus symptoms. To which she assured that her family was doing ‘okay.’
Coronavirus With Kids: Other Families Share Their Experience
Image source: iStock
User emoney1226 ended her post with a cry for help. “Anyone else stuck being a mom and doing remote learning while coping with covid,” she asked.
After her post gained attention, netizens from around the world shared their own experiences with COVID-19. This also started a debate on whether kids need to be sent to school or learn remotely.
1. “We kept our six and four year old home this year and regretted it.”
The virtual academy they enrolled their kids in “didn’t meet expectations at all.” But user PinchesTheCrab shared that she found soon enough how other parents were struggling. Especially, after having her own kids go through on and off again personal classes. She also wished she “had the dependable routine of remote schooling.”
“Not that anyone needs my affirmation, but I think you made the right call and that there’s just cost and risk in every decision,” said the Redditor.
2. “It’s so hard for the parents out there these days.”
User BeefyKat decided to let her son attend preschool in person. She added that she knew it wouldn’t be easy to try virtual learning at such an age.
She let her son attend a private in-person kindergarten program. So far there has only been one “COVID scare” in her son’s class. The user adds, ”I don’t regret our decision at all to send him in-person because I know for a fact, there’s absolutely no way, either of us (ok, it would’ve been 100% me) could’ve swung virtual learning.”
3. “My whole family had COVID…”
Reddit parent Tarynl4 shared how, “if you’re sending your child to school during all of this, it’s possible (and likely) that they will bring home illness.”
She shared how difficult it was when her whole family contracted the virus.
Because of this, the school advised them to stick with remote learning. But seeing as she and her husband would have to work, she says “there’s no way we would have been all in on” it.
COVID Precautions: What Kids Must Know
Since the pandemic, it has been especially difficult for every parent. Since you not only have to worry about your own safety but your family’s as well. If your kids are attending physical classes, ensure that they are safe from infection. Ask them to keep a sanitiser handy and always wear masks around crowd.
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