If you’re a frequent park-goer, then you may have spotted a snake or two slithering the grassy areas at least once in a while. In fact, there have been 200 feedback complaints about cobras being spotted in parks across Singapore.
In response to MS News, NParks’ Wildlife Management & Outreach Director How Choon Ben has confirmed that there have been over 200 cases of cobras in Singapore over the past year.
One of the most recent reports of a snake sighting was at the Pusara Aman cemetery.
NParks Receives Over 200 Complaints About Cobras In Singapore
On Friday (13 August), Facebook user Ramzul shared a post of his encounter with a black spitting cobra at the Muslim cemetery.
As he warned visitors about the snakes and they are apparently “everywhere there,” his video garnered attention from other worried individuals.
While others were shocked by the sighting of cobras in Singapore, there were also some who were not. This is because the cobra at the cemetery is not the first or only incident of a cobra sighted.
According to NParks, there have been at least 200 others that have seen a cobra out in the open in Singapore.
One other case was reported by a grave cleaner who told BERITAmediacorp that sightings of the reptile are common at the cemetery. He even claims to have seen 6 to 7 snakes himself in the 15 years he has worked there.
The grave cleaner adds that he has thankfully not heard of any stories of people getting bitten. He also explains that the snakes usually leave once they start using tools such as motorised ones to clean the graves.
NParks Explains Why They Will Not Take Any Action Regarding The Snakes Just Yet
Image source: iStock
Despite the concerning number of cobra sightings in Singapore, NParks says they will not be taking any action for now. This is because there is no reason to disturb the reptiles if they pose no threat.
NParks says the cobras are trying to survive in this city just as much as the rest of us living in Singapore. There are generally shy creatures that would mostly just try to slither away from you should you encounter one.
They also emphasise that snakes play an important role in controlling the pest population in the ecosystem as they hunt for prey such as rodents and amphibians.
Keeping You And Your Family Safe From Snakes
Image source: iStock
To help you prepare yourself and be better informed about snakes in Singapore, know that when they sense danger they behave in the following way:
- Stands erect
- Expands its hood
- Hisses loudly
- Additionally may spit venom when cornered or threatened
Should you or anyone you know encounter a cobra or other snakes, NParks advises that you:
- Try your best to remain calm!
- Keep a safe distance away.
- Plus, keep young children and pets away from the area where you spot a snake as they might try to approach the reptile.
- You can call the Animal Response Centre at 1800 476 1600 if the encounter happens in an urban area.
- In the event that a snake does bite, immediately call for an ambulance.
Don’t panic and stay safe!
Lead image source screengrab from Facebook / Ramzul Ihsan.
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