First AID
Injuries are a part-and-parcel of growing up and fortunately, most are not too serious. But, they can still be worrying for parents especially if their child is still quite young, and also if there is blood involved. While the body is usually very good at healing itself, it’s always a good thing for parents to know some basic first-aid when it comes to cuts and bruises, which we will share in this section.
How To Prevent Drowning Accidents At Home If You Have Toddlers
Hot Pack Or Cold Pack: Which One To Reach For When You’re Injured Or In Pain
TikTok Mum Uses PAINLESS Hack To Remove Baby's Band Aid And It's Genius!
2-year-old girl dies after being stung by hornets
Better to prepare than panic: must-know first aid tips for your child’s wounds
Mishaps sometimes happen and they strike us when we least expect them. Saving your child's life can be as easy as taking a first aid course or watching a video tutorial. Gain skills that can help save your and your family's lives.
Mishaps sometimes happen and they strike us when we least expect them. Saving your child's life can be as easy as taking a first aid course or watching a video tutorial. Gain skills that can help save your and your family's lives.