Having frequent arguments with your spouse to the point that it is affecting your mood during lovemaking? Does it prevent you from having sex altogether?
While this is a common problem among couples all over the world, it is a serious one that needs to be solved. A healthy sex life is important for married couples. It promotes a close bond and emotional intimacy and is often the glue that holds a marriage together.

Getting over your grievances
The last thing a woman wants to do when she feels any kind of negative emotion is to get busy between the sheets. Here are some tips to get over your grievances.
#1 Be aware of any suspicions or grudges you may hold against your partner, which may stem from the smallest arguments. Only when you recognise the problem can you deal with it.
#2 Remember that life, and your love life is more than the little arguments. Make the time you spend with your partner special and cherish them rather than let negative thoughts destroy them. The love that you share should take priority when you are making love. When you feel any resentment creeping back into your head, let go of it.

#3 Think back to the nice things that your partner has done for you, and think of the moments which truly make your relationship special.
#4 Have heart-to-heart conversations where you share your deepest thoughts and feelings honestly. Communication is key.

The direction in which your love life heads towards depends on you. So bid adieu to grudges and resentments towards your loved one and make the most of your time with time.
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