When planning to have kids, things can get a bit confusing as far as when to have them. Experts have recently revisited the question and have come up with the best age to have a child, according to research.
Some say that having kids in your 20s is better. Your body is biologically better equipped to handle the demands of parenthood. At the same time, having kids at this age might mean that your career or education takes backstage, at least for a while. You also might be less prepared from a maturity point-of-view to tackle the challenges of parenthood.
Others advise that having a child when you are older, even in your 40s is good. You have the maturity and most probably the financial and emotional stability needed to raise kids. But then, health issues related to having kids at this age arise as the downside, among other matters.
So What Is The Best Age To Have A Child?
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According to the results of a study headed by Dr John Mirowsky, a sociologist at the University of Texas, the perfect age for women to have children is age 34. At this age, Dr Mirowsky claims that a woman’s body is “at optimal health to prepare for and carry a healthy child full-term.”
He conducted interviews with over 1,800 mothers, asking them questions about their current health. Then, after taking into account mortality data and making adjustments for educational attainment, the study concluded that in terms of long-term health and maternal mortality, 34 years is the optimal age for a first child.
Other experts agree to add that women of this age usually are in a solid relationship, have an ideal amount of energy and are mature enough to engage in the responsible act of raising a baby. Also, they usually are financially stable (or well on the way to being so) by their mid-30s.
Pregnancy In Your Early 20s
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While experts agree that the age of 34 would be ideal for a woman to get pregnant, how does it look in your 20s? Women between the age of 20-24 are more fertile with a healthy 25 percent chance of getting pregnant each month. However, it’s also the age when you’ve probably just completed your education or are in the process of doing so. You would be looking to start and build a professional career. A pregnancy would be a setback to your professional goals during that period if you do not have a plan in place.
There’s also the financial dependency, since you may still be paying off student loans and have only settled in your job. Still, if you and your partner think that this is the right time to start a family, you will need a strong support system to help you get by.
Pregnancy In Your Late 20s
Getting pregnant in your late 20s does not pose a medical risk and women continue to remain fertile with a 25 percent chance of getting pregnant each month. However, what does change are several factors like your mental maturity, financial health and your commitment to the relationship. If you’ve been in a long-term relationship with your partner, you now have a clearer understanding of where your partner stands in terms of starting a family. Financial stability also helps in making the decision, as you can now start looking for a new home for your family. You are also more energetic and mentally prepared to take on the new responsibility.
Pregnancy In Your Late 30s
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While we’ve spoken that the ideal age for getting pregnant is 34 years, it’s not like late pregnancies are taboo. However, pregnancy in your late 30s will also bring its own set of issues. Fertility starts to decline from the age of 32 years, and more rapidly once you turn 37.
There’s also a lower success with IVF and other forms of fertility assistance to make things difficult. There is also the additional cost of treatment to get pregnant given the health complications. In your late 30s, you are more susceptible to risks like diabetes in pregnancy, preeclampsia, and an increased chance of chromosomal abnormalities.
So there you have it – the best age to get pregnant based on science! We’d love to hear what you think about this, so please do leave a comment below and tell us.
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