Constant worrying about the little one is motherhood, from the moment a mum conceives even till birth and beyond. This is what actress Sheila Sim discovered after giving birth to her firstborn.
“I thought I was fearless until I became a mom. The number of things that can scare me [is] endless,” captioned Sheila, alongside an image of a blood-stained tissue via Instagram stories.
Singapore actress Shiela Sim shares on social media her first experiences as a new mum. | Image source: Instagram screengrab/sheila_sim
Actress Sheila Sim On Motherhood
The newly minted mum shared that she was giving her newborn, Layla, a massage when the little one suddenly “regurgitate” blood.
Not knowing what it was, especially with her first child, Sheila said the incident “scare[d] the [explicit] out of [her]”, though, she later found out that the blood came from her nipples.
Sharing in a separate Instagram post that Layla had just turned a week old on 29 September, Sheila wrote that the worries and anxiety of a mother can be difficult for a husband to fully understand, no matter how much he tries.
“I agree, we worry way too much and worry way ahead of ourselves. But I guess that’s just how mothers are,” she reflected.
“I accept that I will have no control over the days and nights ahead of me for the rest of my life, thus I will learn to embrace every day that comes. Some days will be better/worse than others, but I celebrate every day that [Layla’s] in my life.”
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Finally some time to write a post. I foresee going forward, my postings will dwindle down (just like the amount of sleep I’m getting. Lol), because priority and focus should be given to my child now. I must say though, i am so heartened by the overwhelming influx of DMs that I’ve been receiving from the members of a very privileged club called Motherhood. It’s like, the minute i got pregnant, i got automatically signed up into this club. The uncertainty and struggles of a FTM is so real, yet i never once felt alone. Theres always another mom who’s went through the same and emerged stronger. My gynae said to me, in a few months you’ll laugh abt how stressed and worried you are now. I’m not there yet, but i know she’s right. So, fellow Moms, thank you for all the DMs. I’m not able to reply all of it, but i do read them all. I just wanna say THANK YOU. I really feel very emotionally supported on this journey. My husband’s been really understanding and hands-on as a father and husband. Getting up at 2am to burp Layla, and keeping me company, amongst many other things he does with love. But no matter how much a husband tries, it’s hard for them to fully understand the worries and anxiety of a mother. I agree, we worry way too much and worry way ahead of ourselves. But i guess that’s just how mothers are. Sometimes it helps though, that he’s so calm about things. I can’t imagine if there’s 2 of me in this partnership. Layla is 1 week old today! I accept that i will have no control over the days and nights ahead of me for the rest of my life, thus i will learn to embrace everyday that comes. Some days will be better/worse than others, but i celebrate everyday that she’s in my life. She’s the best thing that’s happened to us. How 2 simple people and normal human like us can make such a precious little being, is beyond me. I am in awe every single day. We are so very blessed, and we are so very in love. #sheilaloveherlife #wearethewoosim #babyWooLaLa #newborn #dwtakesthebestphotosofme #ssfoodforthoughts #motherhood #myheartisfull #familyof3 #ourfirstphototogether
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Causes of Blood in Breast Milk
Blood in breast milk is a common breastfeeding problem, especially for first-time breastfeeding mums. Traces of blood can be found in pumped breastmilk or in the baby’s mouth after breastfeeding.
They can present themselves in shades of pink, red, orange, or brown. Certain food dyes can also tint the color of the breast milk.
However, blood in breast milk does not always indicate a serious problem that warrants dashing to the doctor immediately. It helps to recognise why this happens so that you can tackle it as it comes.
Here are some possible causes of blood in breast milk:
1. Damaged/Cracked nipples
The common cause of finding blood in breast milk is damaged or cracked nipples. This happens when a baby does not latch on properly which can irritate the breasts, causing cracking and pain, and eventually bleeding.
When a baby breastfeeds, he or she will take in some of that blood from the bleeding nipples.
Here are some tips to help ease the discomfort:
- Apply a cool or warm compress to your nipples after breastfeeding
- Wear a breast shell inside your bra to protect your nipples
- Avoid waiting until your baby is overly hungry to feed — it can cause him or her to feed more aggressively
- Breastfeed from a breast that is not sore or tender
2. Broken capillaries
Capillaries are small blood vessels in your body, also present in your breasts. They can become damaged when you do not use a breast pump correctly or if there are other damages to your breasts, causing blood to leak into your breast milk.
If you are using your hands to express breast milk, do so gently to release the milk. Remember to squeeze only the breast and not your nipple. If your milk flow stops or slows down, be mindful not to force it and switch to your other breast instead.
Image source: iStock
3. Mastitis
Mastitis is an infection of the breastfeeding mother’s breast tissue. Typically, this infection is caused by bacteria entering the milk duct through a break or crack in the nipple. It can also occur if the plugged or blocked milk duct isn’t treated accordingly.
Other symptoms such as redness, swelling, pain, and fever are usually present with mastitis. Getting plenty of rest and staying hydrated can help to improve the condition. To prevent mastitis (which is treatable), breastfeed your baby more often.
4. Benign intraductal papilloma
Bleeding can be sometimes caused by small lumps on the lining of your milk ducts. The growth of these benign tumours can bleed, which causes blood in breast milk. You may be able to feel a small growth behind or next to your nipple if you touch your breasts.
The risk for cancer increases if you have multiple papillomas, but a single one is not necessarily associated with a higher risk of breast cancer.
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