Multivitamins for children is a must or not has been debated for a while now but there is no doubt in the fact that lack of proper nutrition can not only hinder the growth of a child but can also lead to serious health issues. A quick search on the Ministry of Health of Singapore’s official website will tell you that as per the data from the Health Promotion Board’s (HPB) School Health Services in 2017, the prevalence of children in K1 and K2 who were underweight and severely underweight was 7.6%.
However, we don’t have to look too far and deep into studies and research to empathise with moms of young kids. When it comes to feeding them healthy food and ensuring they get all the nutrition they need, the struggle is real. Take Kristen* for example; she is six years old but looks relatively younger because of improper growth and lack of development. Her mom tells me that she hates anything green on her plate and is not a big fan of fruits either. Additionally, she faces digestion issues which complicate things further. This makes it very challenging for Kristen’s mom, who like many other parents, worries for her fussy child’s health.
Furthermore, in the new normal, where the coronavirus and its mutants have affected the entire world, kids are among the most vulnerable. In some cases, the virus has even proved fatal for young kids. In these circumstances, many parents are worried sick about the health and safety of their children. This is where health supplements for kids can play a vital role.
Why do kids need multivitamins?
Today, multivitamins for children that boost immunity and help with overall growth and development are no more a choice but a necessity. Here’s why:
- Better immunity: In the era of global health pandemics, your child needs any extra care that you can provide them with. Boosted immunity will not only protect them from diseases but will help them stay healthy.
- Healthy growth: You can help your grade-schooler achieve all goals with healthy overall growth. Once you start them on supplements, you can be confident that they are getting all the nutrition they need. However, please remember that nothing can substitute a good healthy meal and you should always encourage your child to eat their greens and fresh fruits.
- Stronger bones: Building healthy bones by adopting healthy nutritional and lifestyle habits in childhood is important to help prevent challenges like osteoporosis and fractures later in life. Bone mass is slowly built up during childhood and hence this period is crucial when it comes to proper nutrition. Plus, grade-schoolers and teens tend to play a lot- at home and outside. Stronger bones will shield them during falls and avoid injuries. Multivitamins can help your child have stronger bones.
- Better vision: Did you know that the prevalence of childhood myopia among seven-to nine-year-olds in Singapore is one of the highest in the world? The right multivitamin can help ensure that your child gets all the nutrition they need for better vision.
- A bright future: The lack of proper nutrition can affect a child’s learning potential. Starting health supplements for kids at a young age not only replenishes the body but also expedites the development of the brain and gives your child a head start in today’s competitive society.

Why five is the ideal age to start health supplements?
Now that we have analysed the why, let us understand the ideal age to start multivitamins for children.
Singapore-based Dr Goh Siok Ying, Paediatrician said in an interview, “If your child is very selective about the kinds of foods he eats, he may require supplements depending on what his food habits are like.”
Many studies and reports advocate that five is the ideal age to get your kids started on health supplements. After all, this is the age when they spend a lot of their energy running around, playing and staying up. School also starts getting more competitive at this stage. Furthermore, if your child has a specific, restricted diet, they may really benefit from getting an extra boost of nutrients.
For instance, kids who don’t drink milk because they are lactose intolerant may require extra calcium and vitamin D and kids who prefer a vegan diet (no meat, eggs, or dairy products) may need extra vitamins B12 and D, as well as riboflavin, calcium, and iron.
US-based Dr. Davis-Dash says. “As children grow into adolescence and through young adulthood, it is a good idea to supplement their increasingly poor diets with a complete multivitamin, making sure that teenage girls get folate, calcium, and vitamin D.”
Choosing the right multivitamin

With an array of options available in the market and too much information present online, as a parent, it can be overwhelming and confusing to decide on what’s best for your child. Let us help you make the right choice, go with a multivitamin that is suited to your child’s age/age group and one that offers multiple key benefits like better immunity, proper growth and better eyesight.
In line with the increasing requirements for better healthcare for kids, Scott’s has launched an all-new multivitamin gummies, which offers a holistic nutritional aid for your child’s overall health and better immunity.
Scott’s New Multivitamin Gummies is specifically designed for kids 5 years old and above. It contains Zinc and 5 essential vitamins A, B6, C, D, E to support your kid’s growth every day. It provides Vitamin A, B6, C, D and Zinc to help provide better immunity. Vitamin D, C and Zinc present in this multivitamin for children help support healthy growth and bone development, and Vitamin A and Zinc help support healthy vision. In a nutshell, Scott’s products are designed to meet the overall nutritional need of your child while giving them the taste they love- even fussy eaters will enjoy this supplement! Parents can relax and be assured that their kids are well taken care of and ready to survive and flourish in the new normal.

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