It’s hard to believe that your 7-week-old baby is already starting to become their own little person. They are beginning to develop their unique personality and become more aware of their surroundings at this age. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you get to know your 7-week-old baby.
Your Growing Baby
7-Week-Old Baby Weight
A baby’s weight can vary a lot in the first few months. Your seven-week-old baby is likely to weigh between 10 and 18 pounds (4.5 to 8.2 kg). Babies this age gain about 1/2 pounds per week. But there is no need to worry if your baby falls outside this range.
Babies often have growth spurts at different times, so their weight can fluctuate. As long as your baby generally gains weight and seems healthy, there is no cause for concern.
Talk to your paediatrician if you’re ever worried about your baby’s weight. They can give you tailored advice based on your child’s individual needs.
7-Week-Old Baby Height
A baby’s height at seven weeks old will not be the same as their height when they are fully grown. But, for the first few months, you can expect them to grow about 1/2 inch per week.
So, a 7-week-old baby would be about 3 1/2 inches tall. It has slight variations depending on the baby’s growth rate. Some babies may be a little taller or shorter than this.
Their genes determine a baby’s height, but their environment and nutrition influence it. If a baby is born to parents who are taller than average, they are more likely to be tall. It may be shorter than average for a malnourished baby. Or if they don’t have access to proper medical care. Regardless of their height at seven weeks old, all babies are precious and grow at their own pace.
It’s important to note that these figures are approximate and can vary based on individual factors. For a more accurate assessment of your baby’s growth, consult with your healthcare provider.
7-Week-Old Baby Growth Spurt
Every baby is different, but most 7-week-olds will be growing and developing at a similar rate. During this time, babies will usually have a growth spurt. They are gaining weight and length at a rapid pace.
You may notice that your baby is hungrier than usual and wants to feed more often. It is normal! Be sure to nurse or bottle-feed your baby whenever they seem hungry. This extra nourishment will help support your baby’s growth spurt.
You may also notice that your baby is sleeping more during this time. It is because all that growth can be tiring! Make sure to give your little one plenty of cuddles and love during this special time.
Your Baby’s Senses
Here is a short list of how your baby’s senses develop at 7 weeks old:
Vision: Your baby is becoming more aware of the world around them and may start to focus on objects and faces. They may track your movements and turn towards sounds in the room. They are also starting to recognise familiar faces even when they are not close to them.
Hearing: Your baby’s sense of hearing continues to develop. They are more responsive to external stimuli and may turn their head towards sounds in the environment. They are becoming more attentive to voices and may start to coo and make vowel sounds.
Touch: Your baby’s sense of touch is becoming more refined. They may begin to explore objects and textures by reaching out and grasping things with their hands. They may also show signs of self-soothing by sucking on their hands and fingers.
Smell: At 7 weeks old, your baby’s sense of smell is still developing. They may be able to recognise familiar scents, such as the smell of their caregiver’s milk or their own surroundings.
Taste: Your baby’s taste buds are developing, and they are starting to experience a range of tastes through breastfeeding or bottle feeding. They may show preferences for certain flavours and begin to develop their individual taste preferences over time.
Your 7-Week-Old Baby’s Development
What can a 7-week-old baby do?
A seven-week-old baby is generally starting to become more aware of their surroundings. They will usually be able to recognise their parents and carers and may begin to show a preference for certain people.
Here is a short list of milestones and developments you may observe in a 7-week-old baby:
- Increased Social Smiles: Your baby will have more social smiles and may respond to people and stimuli around them.
- Improved Head Control: During tummy time, your baby may be able to hold their head up for longer periods and may attempt to lift their body as well.
- Language Development: Your baby may start cooing, making vowel sounds, and gurgling. They may also exhibit more refined cries for different needs such as hunger or attention.
- Self-Soothing Actions: Babies may begin to suck on their hands or fingers as a way to self-soothe.
- Smoother Arm and Leg Movements: Your baby’s arm and leg movements become more deliberate and coordinated.
- Hand Control: Your baby starts to open and close their hands, developing better control over their fingers.
- Increasing Visual Attention: Babies will study faces, track objects, and react to visual stimuli in the environment.
7-Week-Old Baby Sleep
Your baby starts to get into a sleep routine at seven weeks old. But, they still sleep – around 16 to 18 hours a day. It includes naps during the day and nighttime sleep.
Your baby’s sleep patterns will become more regular over the next few weeks. They will likely take fewer naps during the day and sleep for longer stretches at night. You can help encourage this. Keep a regular bedtime routine. As for their sleeping environment, make it dark and quiet.
Although your baby is starting to sleep less, they still need a lot of rest. Make sure to give them plenty of opportunities to nap during the day to get the rest they need.
7-Week-Old Baby Not Sleeping
If you have a 7-week-old baby who is not sleeping, you can help your little one get some rest. The good news is that you can try a few things to encourage better sleep habits.
- First, establish a bedtime routine and stick to it as much as possible. It will help your baby know when to wind down and get ready for sleep.
- Second, create a calm and relaxing environment in the nursery. Add some dim lighting and soft music.
- Finally, ensure that your baby’s crib is comfortable and safe. Put in plenty of pillows and blankets for support.
With patience and effort, you can help your 7-week-old baby get on a better sleep schedule.

7-Week-Old Baby Feeding
Feeding a 7-week-old baby can be a bit of a challenge. They are still getting the hang of latching on and may not be very efficient eaters. You may need to experiment with different positions and techniques to find what works best for you and your baby. Here are a few things to keep in mind when feeding a 7-week-old:
- Make sure the baby is latching correctly. Babies should have a good seal around the nipple, with their tongue behind the nipple.
- Be patient! It may take them a while to eat, and they may need to have frequent stops to rest.
- If breastfeeding, watch for signs that they are complete. Such as turning away from the breast or falling asleep.
- If you are formula-feeding, follow the instructions on the package for how much to feed them.
With patience and practice, you’ll be a pro at feeding your 7-week-old in no time!
Most babies still drink between 4 and 8 ounces every 3 to 4 hours. The milk will help them gain weight, grow taller, and fill out their skin.
Babies, at this age, may start to sleep for longer stretches at night but still need to eat about every 3 to 4 hours during the day. As your baby grows and starts to eat more solid food, you can space out their feedings a bit more.
7-Week-Old Baby Basic Care
At this age, babies learn to develop their skills and become more independent. Here are some basic care tips for 7-week-old babies:
Get to know their hunger cues. Your 7-week-old baby will start letting you know when they’re hungry. It’s through cues like smacking their lips, putting their hands to their mouth or fussing. It’s best to feed them before they get too fussy, as it’ll be harder to get them to latch on when upset.
7-week-old baby poop is usually very watery and runny. It may be difficult to tell when they have soiled their diaper mixed with urine. Always change your baby’s diapers at least every two to three hours, to prevent irritation and infection.
To clean your baby:
- Use a soft cloth or cotton ball dampened with warm water.
- Gentle wiping their bottom from front to back after each bowel movement. You can also use mild, unscented baby wipes.
- Be sure to dispose of soiled diapers in a proper way. Put them in a trash can with a lid.
- Wash your hands with soap and water after changing diapers.
A 7-week-old baby’s skin is very delicate, so be gentle when cleaning them. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with your paediatrician if you have any questions or concerns about your baby’s poop.
Set up a bedtime routine for your baby. It can include a warm bath, reading a book, or singing a lullaby. Doing the same things each night will help cue their little bodies that it’s time to sleep.
It’s normal for newborns to cry, so don’t worry if your 7-week-old seems fussy sometimes. Crying is a way for babies to communicate their needs, so try to respond with calm and patience.
Hold or rock them if they’re crying. If nothing seems to comfort your baby, it’s okay to let them cry for a few minutes while you take a break. Stay nearby so you can check them.
Image Source: iStock
7-Week-Old Baby Routine
At seven weeks old, your baby is becoming more aware of the world around them. They may be able to follow simple moving objects with their eyes and may even begin to smile at you.
At this age, start developing a daily routine for your baby. It can include regular times for eating, sleeping, and playing. A structured routine will help your baby feel secure and make it easier for you to care for them.
Continue bonding with your baby at this age. Spend time talking to them, reading to them, and cuddling them. These activities will help your baby develop emotionally and mentally.
By seven weeks old, your baby is starting to become a little person with their own unique needs and personality. Create a daily routine and spend time bonding with your baby. It will help them thrive in these early weeks of life.
7-Week-Old Baby Playtime
How can I play with my 7-week-old?
It’s playtime for your 7-week-old baby! At this age, your little one is starting to become more alert. They are becoming responsive to their surroundings. It is an ideal time to start introducing some essential toys and games.
Look for toys with bright colours that make noise, such as rattles or squeaky toys. Your baby will enjoy simple things like household objects like pots and pans or empty boxes. Get down on the floor with your baby and let them explore. Let them hold and shake the objects, and show them how they make noise.
You can also start showing them how to put things into containers and take them out again. Simple games like peek-a-boo are also great at this age. Your baby will love the suspense of waiting for you to reappear. And they’ll start to giggle with delight when they finally see you again.
Tummy Time
Tummy time is an essential activity for a 7-week-old baby’s development. During tummy time, you place your baby on their stomach for short periods every day.
This simple exercise offers several benefits. Firstly, it helps in motor skill development by strengthening the muscles necessary for lifting their head, rolling, and eventually crawling. Tummy time also reduces the chances of skull deformity by preventing flat head syndrome caused by prolonged time spent on their backs.
Additionally, it promotes sensory development as babies experience different body positions and movements, giving them a new perspective on the world. Finally, tummy time provides an opportunity for bonding and interaction with your baby, fostering a crucial connection between parent and child.
Take advantage of your baby’s natural curiosity and sense of fun. Most of all, enjoy some quality playtime together!
Your 7-Week-Old Baby’s Health
What to Expect on Baby’s Next Check-up
On your baby’s next check-up, which typically takes place around the 2-month mark, you can expect an exciting visit with the paediatrician. During this visit, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your baby’s growth and development, address any concerns or questions you may have about baby care and safety, and receive guidance from the healthcare professional.
The doctor will measure your baby’s growth, assess their developmental milestones, and provide any necessary vaccinations or screenings. It’s a valuable opportunity to receive expert advice and ensure that your baby is progressing well on their developmental journey.
Remember to communicate openly with your child’s doctor and share any observations or concerns you have about your baby’s health.
When to Call the Doctor
Your 7-week-old baby’s health is of utmost importance, and it’s essential to be aware of signs that may indicate a need to bring them to the doctor. While it’s normal for babies to have occasional fussiness and variations in behaviour, certain symptoms should not be ignored.
Here is a list of signs that may indicate a need to bring your 7-week-old baby to the doctor:
Refusal to feed
Persistent diarrhoea or vomiting
Development of a rash or ear drainage
Signs of dehydration, such as fewer wet diapers and a sunken soft spot on the skull
Excessive fussiness or continuous crying
Respiratory issues like difficulty breathing or rapid breathing
A temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
Being attentive to these signs and seeking medical attention when necessary ensure the well-being of your baby.
Here at theAsianparent Singapore, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.