It’s nice to know that nowadays there’s a product for each and every conceivable ailment you could possibly think of. As reassuring as that may be, that doesn’t necessarily mean that we have to head to the pharmacy and fork out big bucks every time our children has a tummy ache, cough, or runny nose. In many cases, there’s a simple, quick-fix home-remedy that can help address any number of medical concerns!
Recently, Parents recently polled its readers and found that roughly 88% claimed to treat common ailments like constipation and nasal allergies with nondrug, nonprescription remedies.
Tanya Altmann, M.D., author of What to Feed Your Baby and spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics claims, “Pediatricians are typically on board with the trend as long as parents check with their doctor first.”
With that said, let’s take a look at some doctor recommended and approved home-remedies that can help resolve your kids’ (and even your own) common ailments!
1. Probiotics

What’s it used for?: Colic and gas
David Burke, D.O., pediatrician at the Cleveland Clinic Children’s Center for Pediatric Integrative Medicine, claims that, “If taken regularly, probiotics can help increase the number of good bacteria in the gut and subdue the bad kind, which improves overall intestinal health.”
One Canadian study found that breastfed infants suffering from colic found relief from a daily dose of five drops of a probiotic called Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938. These infants displayed reduced crying and fussiness after three weeks. Study coauthor Saul Greenberg, M.D., suggests that this particular probiotic strain improves the gut’s bacterial makeup, speeds up stalled digestion, and inhibits pain by directly affecting intestinal nerves.
2. Ginger
What’s it used for?: Nausea and motion sickness
Dr. Burke claims that products like, “Ginger chews, ginger tea, and ginger candy can prevent or treat all kinds of queasiness by slowing the natural movements of the stomach and calming the gastrointestinal tract.”
This is apparently an age-old trick Asian remedy that dates back over a thousand years ago! The key is to be sure that the selected product has real ginger, and not ginger flavouring.
3. Local honey

What’s it used for?: Seasonal allergies
Though this remedy is somewhat debatable, there still exists a noteworthy amount of data supporting the theory that consuming honey from your local region can help to combat pollen allergies.
“The theory,” explains Dr. Altmann, “is if the honey contains antigens to the pollen where you live, it can slowly expose a child’s body to the allergen and help build up his tolerance.”
Think of it in the same way as a flu shot: if you expose yourself to a small dose of the flu, your body naturally develops the ability to defend itself from the flu.
Parents reports that “one study from Finland found that when people with a birch-pollen allergy consumed honey containing birch pollen daily for five months before the start of tree-allergy season, they experienced a 60 percent reduction in their symptoms and twice as many sniffle-free days compared with people who took their usual allergy medication instead.”
Needless to say, if your child suffers from severe or life-threatening allergies, you shouldn’t rely solely on honey and should contact a medical professional immediately!
4. Baking soda

What’s it used for?: Itching or stinging skin
IS your kid suffering from a case of the “scratchies”? Here’s a helpful tip from Dr. David Burke: “Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with a little less than a teaspoon of water and you’ll get a thick paste that you can smooth over any irritated spot, like a bug bite, a bee sting, or a rash. Let it dry completely (it takes about ten minutes) before washing it off.”
“The paste eases allergic reactions by decreasing histamine production, and it has a soothing effect,” he claims.
Burke also suggests that if your kids get itchy from spending time in the tub, a few drops to their bathwater can help alleviate any itchiness or irritation.
5. Saline nasal rinse
What’s it used for?: Congestion from colds and allergies
If your little ones are suffering from a sniffly nose (brought on by allergies or a common cold), you may not need to leave the house for a pricey decongestant. If you want an easy at-home way to to clear out mucus, irritants, and allergens and general inflammation of the nose, try using a few drops of a saline nasals rinse in their nostrils.
Here’s how: “Use slight pressure—don’t be too forceful or it could cause irritation or bleeding in the nose,” explains Dr. Altmann.
Once the spray has been squirted, have your kiddo gently blow their nose. If you’re dealing with a baby or toddler, you can always use a bulb syringe to remove the mucus after spraying.
6. Pear and/or prune juice
What’s it used for?: Constipation
Prunes are a natural wonder for alleviating constipation problems; whether dried or stewed. While prunes are potent in their own right, pear juice can be equally effective…and more palatable depending on who you’re asking. In fact, Dr. Altmann says that most children prefer pear juice to the taste of prunes.
What’s the secret behind their potency? Pears and prunes both contain natural fiber and sugars that work together to soften stool, especially if you can get your kid to consume extra glasses of water.
Here’s the doctor’s orders: “Give your child a glass of pear or prune juice—plus a cup of water—after school or in the evening, so she won’t have to rush to the bathroom at school. Infants as young as 1 month old can try it too. Usually 1 ounce per month of age is the maximum per day, so a 4-month-old can drink up to 2 ounces of prune juice twice a day,” says Dr. Altmann.
7. Omega 3-Fatty Acids

What’s it used for?: Hard time focusing or paying attention
There’s an abundance of research suggesting the positive benefits of Omega 3-fatty acids; especially in the realm of brain development in children. Further research seems to point out how Omega 3 can help sharpen a child’s attention span, ability to stay focused, and capabilities of completing a task.
Parents reports that “a recent Dutch study found that after 16 weeks of consuming margarine enriched with omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) daily, boys with and without ADHD benefited from a sharpened attention span.”
Pediatrician and founder of Whole Child Pediatrics, Natalie Lambajian-Drummond, M.D., claims that children who weigh under 100 pounds shoud consume about 1,00mg of EPA and DHA daily. This can be in any form that they prefer. Here are some options: capsules, gummies, or liquid.
This article was based on a post published by Parents
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