Growing up under the guidance of a truly strong woman gives kids a great advantage. In a world where both people and situations are constantly trying to bring you down, having someone you can both count on and look up to is a priceless gift.
As strong mothers raise their kids, they teach them many important lessons along the way. Here are five of them.
You learn the true value of independence

Strong mums teach us that we can have it all. We can take care of ourselves, our homes, all while having a successful career.
Standing on your own two feet is a cinch thanks to the foundation they’ve prepared for you. Sure, they can place a bit of pressure on you at times but it is all done with love.
Being both strong and soft
A common misconception about strong mothers is that they are not sensitive. Actually, the opposite is true. They’re just good at hiding their pain.
She shows that being tough and sensitive are traits which complement each other; these make you stronger as a person.
Truly tough mums nurture despite the difficulty: they stay up all night with you when you’re sick; they listen patiently when you cry over your broken heart.
Her compassion and tenderness are what truly make her resilient.
You truly love yourself

Through their strong mother’s example, kids can learn to keep on going despite the odds being stacked up against you. Looking out for your own best interest and never self-sabotaging are traits cultivated when you learn what true self-love means.
It is not boastful or conceited, it is humble and wise. Loving yourself means knowing that failures don’t define you. You always bounce back, helping yourself be better.
You’re able to create your own happiness
Life is difficult. But strong mums enable you to view whatever trials you face in the context of joy. There’s always something to smile about, no matter how simple.
You learn not to dwell on the past

All those regrets which are a natural side effect of getting older don’t bother you anymore. Strong mums teach us to keep our head up and to keep going.
Life will beat us down but thanks to our strong mums, we can face life with the resilience, knowing who we truly are and celebrating it no matter what.
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