Okay, let’s be clear here: toddlers are “totes adorbs”.
That said, there are certain times when the cuteness card just won’t cut it!
For example, you stroll into the living room only to be greeted by what looks like a the leftovers a of a tornado and earthquake. This, as you’ve probably learned by now, is what’s known as a toddler mess.
It may be adorable to scroll down on your Facebook newsfeed and see the barrage of adorable photos of toddlers with spaghetti sauce all of their face and meatballs and noodles scattered across the table an floor…but when that mess is yours to clean, all semblance of cutness flies right out of the window!
See, moms know the truth behind toddler messes. As adorable as toddlers are, their messy tendencies are something that push moms’ sanity to the edge!
If you feel the same, the following list of hilariously accurate truths about toddler messes will have moms everywhere shouting, “AMEN!”
Check out the list (originally shared by Momtastic) and let us know if you agree:
1. Toddlers have few goals. The first is to walk. The second is to put things in their mouth. The third is to do both of those things while spreading drool-soaked detritus everywhere they go.
2. Snacking is a full contact sport.
3. Meals are the Mom Olympics of stain prevention.

4. The messes can appear in impressively high locations, considering that the ones who put them there are the approximate height of a garden gnome.
5. Tiny hands can do terrible things with yogurt.
6. Potty training messes are not for the faint of heart.
7. The slowness with which a toddler will buckle herself into her carseat is in direct opposition to the speed with which she can completely destroy a room.
8. If he has touched it, remnants of it will be in his hair for days.
9. A single blueberry is more dangerous in a toddler’s possession than pretty much anything.
10. The daintier she appears, the more startlingly savage she is with the contents of a toy box.

11. The fancier the outfit he has on, the dirtier the play he will commit to.
12. Vacuuming before a toddler playdate is the definition of insanity.
13. Toddlers mark their territory by walking with one moist hand against the wall until they’ve circled their home at least ten times over.
14. They always include DNA samples.
15. The bigger the claim of innocence, the more disastrous a mess you are about to discover in her wake.
16. No matter how annoying the mess on your kid’s face is, you will still find it too adorable to not take a quick picture.
17. They will be sticky.
(Source: Dailymail.co.uk)
18. They will smell faintly of milk.
19. They can cause hundreds of dollars of damage to a toilet with a superhero toy and one flush.
20. Nothing is safe. Not the walls, floors, pets, ceilings, cars, televisions, toys, writing utensils, or clothes.
21. No, not even random passer-bys.
The list in this article was originally posted by Momtastic
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