You wrestle with your toddler for 1 hour, trying to get him to wear his swimsuit. You then spend another 30 minutes trying to apply sunscreen on said toddler.
You accidentally get sunscreen in your toddler's eye and spend another 15 minutes washing it out. Your child is now howling.
You are determined your child is going to have a good time in the pool and pack the 20-odd pool toys you brought into a bag.
You march to the pool with your (still howling) toddler in tow.
It's now lunchtime and your toddler declares he's hungry, so you stop on the way to feed him (bad idea).
You finally reach the pool.
You get in the pool with your child who starts howling again because the water is too cold/too hot/his favourite pool toy is missing.
Your child gets so excited/anxious that he vomits the lunch he just ate.
You head back to your hotel room with your vomit-smeared toddler in tow (yes, he's howling again).
At least you got to spend 10 minutes in the pool, right?!