Presidential Elections 2011
There is much to be said about leadership. The day that Singaporeans will elect their next President is fast approaching. With the Presidential Elections just around the corner, the voters are all undoubtedly geared up to see who will take the chair as the next President of Singapore. On 27 August 2011, Saturday, in the event that there is more than one qualified contender, voters can head down to their polling stations to cast their votes. Take note that the eve of Polling Day is designated as Cooling-Off Day, a day set aside for the voters to lucidly think over and arrive at their decisions. Now is the time to assimilate all the data, ruminate, process it, and eventually produce the outcome in the form of a vote. It would be more than fascinating to watch the wheels of the brain rationalizing and arriving at conclusions, for we know that the human brain is mighty complex.
One might ask which polling station to head off to. Voters will receive a Poll Card, which will indicate the polling station near the individual’s address in the register for electors. And yes, vote only at the specified location. Normally, persons may go to their assigned polling stations and cast their votes between 8 am and 8 pm on Polling Day. And make sure you’re carrying your valid ID!
We are in this era where everything is wrapped around technology. You would rarely catch someone without their Notebooks or handphones. Consider that the time spent while at the Polling booth as time away from technology. For security reasons, handphones are not permitted to be used. Wouldn’t it be odd to see everyone around for once not texting away at the speed of light? But for the best part, the whole process takes hardly any time, so you most likely won’t find yourself waiting in queue for ages.
Voters have their set of dos and don’ts too. Make sure to double check the list before proceeding. View the list at
If you are in doubt, and to avail more details on the entire process, go to