Our team at Tickled Media, publishers of theAsianparent, Pregnant.sg and Kidlander, met with the dedicated people putting together this documentary. They are raising money for the docu-movie to shine the spotlight on the issue of child sex slavery in India and Nepal.
Shockingly, slavery is not a history lesson. It happens everyday, in almost every country. Poverty is not the only cause. Slavery exists even in wealthy countries like the US, Switzerland or Singapore. It happens whenever lives are discounted and “cheap”. When people do not believe that we are all created equal. That we are all children of god.
Read the next page for the rest of the article on this docu-movie “Untouchable : Children of God”

We met with Grant and Eric from Untouchable:Children of God, and we’re taking up their cause and supporting their work. We’d like you to click through to learn more about the film, the problem and be part of the solution.
As parents, we are pained by the stories of these girls. Their lives a world away from those of our children. But no less precious. We are heartened by the work that is being done to change their lives and we welcome the opportunity to partner with the team at Untouchable:Children of God, to make a difference to the lives of these children of god.
The film is scheduled to premiere right here in Singapore in Nov/Dec 2013. We’ll be featuring more information about the docu-movie on theAsianparent. Do “like” their page on Facebook for more information about the tragedy of child sexual slavery and for ideas on how you can make a difference.
If you would like to help us with the marketing and PR for Untouchable:Children of God, please contact us at [email protected]
Untouchable: Children of God
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UntouchableMovie?hc_location=stream
Web Donations: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/untouchable-children-of-god–2
UNTOUCHABLE: CHILDREN OF GOD – Sneak Preview from Grant Knisely on Vimeo.