The newest internet meme from Japan may be the most random thing ever but it's down right adorable! Find out what's got the internet going crazy!
Try watching this insanely cute video without saying, "aww!"
Speak of being a ruthless taskmaster! Watch how this adorable toddler makes her dad workout.
Their reactions are too cute to be true!
This baby's reaction is so precious, it'll make you go "aww"!
How hard is it for this baby to resist the temptation to knock over a cup of water?
There's a saying that goes, "sharing is caring." How does two babies solve the problem of having only one pacifier? In the cutest way ever, of course.
Watch what happens when this family attempts to exercise together.
These 2 cute baby girls will put a smile on your face in minutes! Is this the cutest baby talk ever or what? Watch it now...
Tired of your screaming child but still can't get enough of your baby? Take a break and explore the many faces of a baby in our cute baby picture album. Guaranteed to make you coo in delight as you browse our gallery of adorable baby photos.
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