Christmas is a time to relax, see friends and family, eat, drink and be merry. But what if you’re worried about one mince pie too many undoing all your hard work for the year?
We’ve got you covered. Follow these simple guidelines to have your turkey and look good too.
Have A Plan
Before the work Christmas do’s, client lunches, brunches and cocktail parties get out of hand, take a moment to sit down and think about what you want and how to get it. Prioritise the events that are most important to you, e.g. Christmas day, or the work Christmas party or girls’ brunch. This way, you can stay vigilant in the lead up to the most important festivities, and relax a little on those days.
Stay slim during the holidays: Have a game plan to keep your feasting and merry-making under control.
Strategise Your Nutrition & Exercise Plan
Map out your nutrition and exercise plan for this festive period and try to stick to it. Be realistic though – you won’t survive eating nothing but lettuce so you can stuff yourself on the big day. Try to prepare your meals around whole, clean foods such as lean meats and green vegetables and plan to exercise 3-5 times per week. This makes you much more likely to stick to your healthy plan for the majority of the Christmas period.
Rally The Troops
Talk to any women (or men!) about what the holiday season will do to their waistlines and you’re likely to hear a familiar groan. Most of us feel the willpower slipping away as Christmas cookies, toffeenut lattes and champagne seem to fall into our laps. Band together. Share your plans with a friend, co-worker or partner and help each other to stay accountable. That way you’ll have support, and you’ll both fit into your New Year’s Eve outfit.
Share your plans on staying trim during the holidays with your friends – and get them to join you too!
Don’t Go Hungry
Parties, parties everywhere, and all the buffet finger food you can get your hands on. Don’t fall into the all-you-can-eat trap and ruin your good efforts. Have a small meal, shake or smoothie 1-2 hours before you arrive at the party. This way you’ll arrive satisfied but not bloated, making it much easier to pass on the canapés.
Moderation, Moderation, Moderation
Here’s the part where we give good news and bad news. The good: allow yourself to have small amounts of what you fancy over Christmas. A glass of wine here or a mince pie there will not fatten you up overnight. The bad news though, is that this is the part that’s up to you. Your will power alone will determine whether you can stop at “just a bite” of Christmas cake, or one small glass of wine.
How many rounds of beer is enough?
Keep On Moving
Exercise will be your best friend through party season. Book a set of classes through December, make a date with your running buddy or schedule some personal training sessions to keep you focused. You don’t need to overdo it, but staying active will ensure you balance out any Christmas cookie you do let yourself have.
Try to keep up with your exercise routine during the holidays – this helps to burn off those extra calories from feasting!
Workout buddies (source)
Don’t let your worries over your waistline detract from the fun and festivities with your loved ones this season. Follow these simple steps and you’ll enter the new year on track to the best shape of your life.
This article was written by PagePink’s Stylemaker Cassie Massey

Cassie Massey is a British qualified Personal Trainer, group fitness, pilates & bootcamp instructor from London. She specialises in core strength, stability, metabolic resistance training & HIIT.
Cassie lives & breathes fitness, trying her hand at everything from half marathons to boxing, yoga to 100kg deadlifts. Cassie loves being able to carry out her passion and profession daily here in Singapore. Cassie trains at Level 137 Telok Ayer, Singapore.
The post How to Stay Trim This Holiday Season! appeared first on PagePink.