Sky Saviors or Not Your Nanny: The Truth About Flight Attendant and Messy Kids

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When flying with kids, many parents try to keep their children distracted with activities and snacks, but sometimes it can lead to a mess. Recently, a Twitter post by Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Anthony Bass went viral, after he accused a United Airlines flight attendant of making his wife, who was 22 weeks pregnant, pick up a popcorn mess on the floor of the plane made by their two-year-old daughter.

This incident sparked a debate on who is responsible for cleaning up after kids on a plane: their parents or a flight attendant?

Here are some things to remember when flying with kids.

A Flight Attendant Has Other Responsibilities

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A flight attendant has a primary responsibility to ensure the safety of passengers during the flight. However, they are also responsible for ensuring that the cabin is clean at the end of a flight. But this does not mean that passengers should leave a big mess for them.

It’s similar to a fast-casual restaurant; you should not leave your garbage on the table. A flight attendant appreciates when passengers do what they can to mitigate the mess.

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Parent-Flight Attendant: Cleaning is a Dual Effort

Passengers can help by using cups to put spilt snacks in and throwing them away when a flight attendant comes around with a trash bag.

Flight attendants do at least four trash runs during the duration of the flight, so there are ample opportunities to clean up the mess both you and your kids have made, no matter how big or small.

Some Parents Clean Up After Their Kids

Although many parents leave a mess for the flight attendant, there are a handful of parents who do their part by picking up stray snacks and cleaning out the seatback pocket. Anything helps and is appreciated.

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It’s Essential to Manage Kids on a Plane

Flying with kids can be a challenge, and managing them on a plane is essential to ensuring a comfortable experience for everyone.

When packing for the flight, parents should remember to bring snacks, activities, and games to keep their children occupied during the flight. It’s also essential to talk to kids about what to expect and the rules they should follow, such as wearing seat belts and not kicking the seat in front of them.

In conclusion, when flying with kids, parents should do what they can to mitigate the mess caused by their children. A flight attendant has a lot of responsibilities, and cleaning up a mess caused by a child is not their sole responsibility.

Remember, managing kids on a plane is crucial to ensure a comfortable experience for everyone.

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Written by

Miko Pagaduan