Shortening your baby’s feeding times can lead to having poor milk supply.
When you’re a new mum, it's easy to think that you can schedule feedings but, most often, this isn’t the case.
Though you may have a general idea about how long or how often feedings should take place, there is really no way to perfectly plan logistics for feeding.
It helps to prepare yourself to nurse as often as possible for as long as possible.
Knowing your baby’s subtle cues such as a squeak or smacking of the lips, will help you know if you should offer your breast.
Try switching your baby to the other side after he’s fallen asleep. You can also try using breast compressions to help improve milk production.
The first few days after birth will never come again so get us much bonding time as possible. Ultimately, it is up to every mum to deepen their bond with their newborn, their own way.
These four suggestions may help you make the most of the ‘golden hour’ do not only help bond you with your little one, it may also help you begin your motherhood journey on a truly memorable note.
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