The Singapore government has been distributing do-it-yourself antigen rapid tests (ART) to each household. And you can take one at home if you start showing symptoms related to Covid-19. The government has also updated the rules around self-isolation after you test positive using an ART kit.
In fact, the Republic’s director of medical services, Kenneth Mak, explained the new self-isolation regime during a virtual media briefing on September 17, 2021. These will need to be followed by those asymptomatic individuals who test positive for Covid-19, using the ART kits.
Professor Mak said that such individuals who test positive for Covid 19 as asymptomatic need to self-isolate at home for 72 hours. If they are unwell during this period of self-isolation, they should visit a general practitioner as soon as possible.
Speaking to the press during the briefing, Associate Professor Mak said, “What we want to do through this modified new regime of self-isolation is to give you the empowerment to be able to take charge of your own health, particularly if you are asymptomatic, to allow you continue as much of your activities in the community as safely as possible.”
Mak further added that the modified regime of self-isolation will help protect an individual’s family members, friends, colleagues from the risk of infection.
Positive For Covid-19 ART kit And Asymptomatic? Here’s What You Must Know
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So, if you test positive using a Covid-19 ART kit and are asymptomatic, here’s what you need to remember:
1. Stay at home for at least 72 hours
Any individual who tests positive in an ART test needs to self-isolate and stay at home for at least 72 hours.
This allows the individual to recover safely, and also monitor their health while staying quarantined.
2. Stop going to work and other social events
Although work from home is still applicable in most offices, those who’ve been going to office need to stop if you test positive for Covid-19. Not only are you risking your health but that of others as well.
At the same time, cancel any social gatherings, events and commitments during this period. Even if you aren’t showing any symptoms, this would be the responsible thing to do.
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3. Do not rush to the hospital
If a person tests positive for Covid 19 and is asymptomatic, do not panic and rush to the hospital. You’ve already taken the test using the ART kit at home, which means you know the results. Moreover, if you are asymptomatic, it means your body is not under severe duress.
So, rushing to a hospital will not yield any better results. On the contrary, you risk yourself to other infections or a viruses at a hospital while also exposing others to the Covid-19 infection.
If you are still concerned about the ART test result, schedule a visit to a Swab and Send Home clinic close to your home and let the doctor assess your condition.
4. Visit a general practitioner if you are feeling unwell
An asymptomatic patient can develop symptoms later on. If you feel that your health is deteriorating during the self-isolation period, it’s wise to visit a general practitioner and get yourself assessed.
The doctor may do a Covid-19 swab test to assess the condition and accordingly advice the next course of action.
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5. Take another ART after 72 hours
Make sure to self-test again after 72 hours using the ART kit. If the result comes negative, you can safely resume your life and activities. The idea is to take precaution and contain the spread of infection.
Inversely, if you happen to test positive again, you should schedule a visit to the doctor. Do not panic and ensure that you follow all precautions and social distancing norms when stepping out.
As much as we understand that staying indoors isn’t easy, it’s also about containing the infection to as fewer people as possible. And following these guidelines will help keep the Covid cases under check in Singapore.
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